Sunday, January 26, 2020

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges

Digital Marketing Presents Opportunities And Challenges Digital marketing entails interaction with known customers and others in the marketing channel, on a one to one basis, often in real time, to maintain value-laden relationships and to generate a measurable response and/or transactions using electronic network tools and technologies (Kotler et al. 2008, p525). This essay will focus on the discussion of the opportunities and challenges in organizations which are will use digital marketing techniques and discuss the ways that they can plan and implement digital marketing tools in their marketing activities. This essay will also provide two organizations that have introduced and adopt digital marketing. Moreover, this essay will give an analysis of comparison between two organizations which use digital marketing concept. The intention of discussion is to know more about the digital marketing concept in some organizations and also opportunities and challenges of using digital marketing. Besides, this essay also intention to compare which is the best digital marketing strategy. The concept of digital marketing has increasing in many organizations and become more popular and important than before. But there are some opportunities and challenges in order to using this concept in organizations. Many writers has different evaluate in these concept, according to Klososky (2012, p45) Social technology tools are multi-faceted, and have the ability to change an economy that it is in chaos to one that is manageable and predictable. That statement means that digital marketing has opportunities and challenges in business to manage and helps some company to increase their sales by using social technology, such as social networking, social media, and social relevance. More specifically is explained by Cristian et al. (2008, pp983-4) digital marketing opportunities for organizations is separated to pull and push digital marketing, which is the pull digital marketing are includes blog marketing, advertising and personal interactive television and smart advertisement on th e web. While the push digital marketing is includes mobile marketing, text messaging marketing, multimedia messaging and the broadcasting of recent news (RSS). Moreover, Rapson (2010, p25) stated A common problem in this wealth of technology options, is choosing the right solution for specific marketing goals and data needs. This statement tells about the challenges of digital marketing which is understand digital marketing tools and common trend using different tools. In overall, many people agree that opportunity of digital marketing is in electronic channels which are related to social technology and the challenge is about its digital marketing tools. These points of view is clearly clarified what is opportunities and challenges that facing the digital marketing. Digital marketing tools are considered so valuable in marketing activities, especially in some organizations that depend on technologies. Moreover, digital marketing tools give many advantages to company, for example to increase their revenues. As though stated by Klososky (2012, p42) Social tools can be compare to web itself, inasmuch as there are benefits for every department. There are some ways to get those benefits. First, building productive websites is important for people to get an admission to record information or control business dealing; it is purpose to not maximize a continuous connection (Klososky 2012, p42). Second is providing social technologies, it is needs to make good relationship with customers and increase their beliefs (Klososky 2012, p42). Third, mobile tools is necessary for all of organizations because can make an easily communication with clients (Klososky 2012, p43). Fourth is driving online traffic, it is very important to make business more famous and t here are so many steps to do it, for example some advertising, make a consistent and brand for the business, add favorite bookmark for business website and others (Klososky 2012, p43). The last is measurement systems is use for make decisions for results in organizations and it is to make an improvement (Klososky 2012, p43). In addition, digital marketing tool is growing and it is often used by organizations such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and crowdscribing, the similarities between them is their ability to tap into the power of the internet herd to get work done less expensively, faster and with more innovation (Klososky 2012, p44). Many organizations has adopt digital marketing concept to their marketing activities and they also have introduced it. There are some way to introduce such as by using E-service, it is explained by Rowley (2008, p527) E-service is deeds, efforts or performances whose delivery is mediated by information technology (including the Web, information kiosks and mobile devices). Such e-service includes the service element of e-tailing, customer support and service, and service delivery. E-service is often used by many organizations for examples newspapers are apply their information by technology tools and it is called digital newspaper. Newspaper has made an alteration from traditional print medium to use internet, this change is also influences the concept of digital marketing because in newspaper there are also an advertisement, banners (or leader boards), expanded banners, skyscrapers, mid page banners, etc. (Christopher 2008, p10). Organizations that had been adopted digital marketing on their digital newspaper are which is the official website of Malaysias biggest Chinese media group. Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd, and the one of most popular Chinese Web sites in Southeast Asia (Christopher 2008, p10) and the second is Gatehouse which has many community newspapers approximately 480. First, has five different tools to introduce digital marketing which are AdText (hyperlink advertising on editorial-based homepage), AdWord (a dynamic editorial tool that delivers advertising inside the text of news content), AdQuote (expanded version of AdWord concept but placed at the bottom of the article) and AdTrend (an automatically displayed advertising message based on the current market trends and nature of the business news and current events: the stock market, banking, sports, weather) and last is AdBlog, the most recent format in which one advertiser per month is featured. This AdBlog can include video/flash with advertising and blog articles, etc ( Christopher 2008, p10). In the other hand, the Gatehouse is specifically on websites and use web 2.0 as their platform. Moreover, they also use Zope which is an open-source content management system, for the relaunch as well as to build dozens of others (Christopher 2008, p10). Gatehouse is also like google and uses it to advertise their website to make many visitors. They also participate in Google print program and google hotjob recruitment network.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Coney Island and Victorian Culture Essay

Coney Island at the turn of the century was a bustling and growing place. People of all classes traveled from New York City as well as other parts of the world to take part in the famous amusements that helped to loosen the tight corsets of Victorian gentility. Inspired by the Columbian Exposition in 1893 George Tilyou began to build a park on Coney Island beginning with the Ferris Wheel similar to that featured at the exposition which was designed by the Pennsylvania Steel Company. By 1895 Tilyou opened Steeplechase Park and began to fill it with acts and side shows thus inspired by his travels a few years prior. While concentrating on the appeal to all walks of life Tilyou acquired A Ride to The Moon from Fredric Thompson and Elmer Dundy who built the ride specifically for the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. A short season later in 1902 Thompson and Dundy left Steeplechase to create Luna Park taking the amusement with them. Playing off the most popular sport on Coney Island, Tilyou obtained a mechanical horse race that took riders on a thirty second ride around a track complete with hills and sharp turns. Other attractions added to the park included the Human Roulette Wheel which threw riders in all directions and Earthquake Stairs which jostled climbers and challenged them to descend a shaking stair case. These attractions as well as the wild side shows caused people to throw off all conventionality and made them rub elbows with other classes while having unrestricted fun. While Steeplechase drew visitors to the peninsula it also increased in the popularity of swimming or bathing as it was referred to in Victorian speak. People on a hot New York day adventured to Steeple Chase and the beach by various means of transportation. Donning the latest in bathing fashions people enjoyed more unrestricted fun regardless of any class system in the water. Although Victorians looked down their noses at the amusements and public bathing, people still flocked to the beaches and splashed in the chilly waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Ruckus rides and the ability to socialize appealed to the younger generations looking to toss off the oppressive garbs of Victorian gentility and just have plain unrestrictive fun. In 1907 tragedy struck Steeplechase as fire ravaged the park leaving a smoking ruin. In the efforts to still turn a dollar Tilyou charged admission to the ruins of the once great park. During the rebuilding, Luna Park benefited from the loss and treated guests to a modern park with rides to thrill everyone. The â€Å"old-fashionedness† of Steeplechase was challenged as Luna Park, the most modern of it’s time dazzled park goers with electric lights and tall white towers bathed in bright bulbs. This enabled the park to operate at night. But still people remained loyal to the original amusement park they knew so well even though built anew from smoldering ruins. George Tilyou sadly passed away in 1914 after seeing his park through another fire in 1911 which claimed Dreamland. Luckily enough the winds shifted and spared his park from a second disaster. By 1914 the amusement park began to fall out of favor. The once well loved and most visited park suffered a loss in the visitors during the hot New York summers. Steeplechase continued to operate and help people socialize and essentially come out of the tight bonds of gentility by offering a carefree time with out restrictions. Then on New Year’s Eve 1964 the last light was turned off for the final time at the ill fated old fashioned park. Luna Park on the other hand was not as popular as the original park but provided new wonders for those curious and daring enough to seek it out. Created after the Beaux-Arts movement of the time Thompson an erratic architect began to design the park as a world where someone could be lost in fantasy. By opening day on May 16th 1903 Luna Park opened its doors to the wonderment of many people seeking out entertainment and new amusements to help them shed the conventionality of the structured Victorian world. Here we can clearly see where still Steeplechase was cherished like a child hugs a ragged teddy bear but the new adventure which was named Luna was embraced for its latest technologies that Steeplechase clearly was lacking. With over 1 million lights, long distance telephone service, telegraph and radio services Luna Park became a city with in a city. With Thompson and Dundy’s success in creating illusion rides for the park guests they still relied on others as well. When they left the employment of Tilyou after the 1902 season they brought their famed â€Å"Ride to the Moon† amusement with them. Counting on its fame from Steeplechase park and the illustrious past of being featured at the Pan-American Exposition in 1901 the creators hoped it would bring the crowds in. With more and more people seeking a day at the park and on the beach both parks helped make Coney Island known world wide and soon became a top tourist destination. At a time when high society still held restrictions of how men and women should act in public in high regards, more and more people used these parks as a way to shed the restrictions of society and seek titillating amusements and fill curiosities each other had that Victorian culture had suppressed over the years with rules and barriers against those who dared to go against the prim and proper societies. Technology in these times were changing and what better place to display these but at amusement parks and expositions. Younger Victorians embraced these changes and viewed them as a move toward the future. We can clearly see where walls were broken down between classes while all walks of life frolicked on the beaches of Coney Island, screamed on the same rides, and traveled faster than they ever had in their lives. Luna Park and Steeplechase side by side were wonderful examples of old an new. While people still embraced the old curious onlookers sought out attractions that displayed futuristic gadgets. By the creation of the final park Dreamland in 1904 tourism and the shedding of Victorian genteel ways were in full swing. Dreamland brought more pleasure seekers to the peninsula and more bathers to the sea shore. The park was built by William Reynolds who is best known for his crooked dealings with Tammany Hall. Dreamland became the park to rival the other 2 on the peninsula. It is said that the park would be anything unlike the modern world has seen. The main tower of Dreamland had a beacon that shined out to sea and confused many ships coming into port. The amusement park sparkled as guests promenaded through the many attractions and thrill rides. With Dreamland promising amusement in a more dignified way the creators tried to offer Culture to those who visited the park. Providing a grand ballroom and upscale restaurants from around the world Dreamland attempted to cater to the upper class leaving lower classes to attend the older less dignified parks. The developers still provided rides and attractions that rivaled the other parks and even stole ideas from them as well. Americans were fascinated by disasters. Fighting the Flames was a good example of this as New Yorkers were most familiar with tenements catching fire and many people dying. People could identify with this ride. As tenement style buildings covered in asbestos were set ablaze, firefighters came to the rescue of the tenants who jumped to their safety in huge nets below. With rides like Shoot the Chutes guests at Dreamland were still treated to rides that caused them to throw off all conventionalities. Dreamland with its intentions to preserve all that is roper and dignified still provided outrageous outlets that caused people to smile and scream like they never had before. Sideshows still prevailed like Bostock’s Circus and Captain Bonavita’s Lion Show. They treated guests to clowns, wild animals, and daring stunts which caused people to gasp and look on in awe. Dreamland gave people a look at the world in their own backyard. Rides like Touring the Alps which provided ride rs with a simulated ride through the Alps complete with blasts of cold air to the Japanese Tea Room which gave people a look at cultures foreign to their own. The achievements of creating an atmosphere of wonderment and awe like that of the previous expositions held in Chicago and Buffalo, Reynolds achieved ultimate success in helping people question their hum drum ways and rules that bound them tightly. On May 27 1911 the wonderment that was known as Dreamland came to an end when it burned to the ground. Complaints by the fire departments that fought the flames were low water pressure. It was said that Reynolds built the park so fast that he built over fire hydrants. The mistakes and rush to greed cost him his park only seven short years later. The fire although sparing because of the winds did not leave Thompson’s railway alone. Sadly but fortunately that was one of a few external victims of the fire caused by greed. Fred Thompson found General Manager Samuel Gumpertz staring blankly at the ruins. Reynolds decided not to rebuild the park and Gumpertz opened a freak show in a large tent. This was the beginning of the end of Coney Island, the most famous playground of the early 20th century. Luna Park and Steeplechase continued to operate through many changes of attractions. The 1920’s ushered in rides like The Wonder Wheel and The Cyclone. It is joked immigrants who came to this country saw The Wonder Wheel first before seeing the Statue of Liberty. Still The Wonder Wheel is a wonderful example of freedom through good times and laughter and the shedding of old ways to a new life. By the close of the season of 1946 Luna Park could no longer afford to keep its gates open to the dwindling visitors. That which was new and exciting became old and worn out. Steeplechase continued to operate and pride itself of being risen from the ashes still provided visitors with aging and familiar rides. By the opening of Astro Park in 1962 this began to spell the end of the turn of the century amusements. At the stroke of midnight New Years Eve 1964 the last light was turned out on the oldest amusement park of the time leaving behind a legacy of fun and a little known waltz written for the opening of Dreamland entitled â€Å"Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland†. By looking at the amusement parks of the early 20th century we can clearly see where proper Victorians were given the opportunity to shed the constrictions of a culture that forced them into a protected part of society. Here creators of parks provided a person all types of amusements and bathing which for proper Victorians swimming with people of the opposite sex was just scandalous. Many of the older generations still held fast to their convictions of manners and proper ways. In many ways Coney Island was a petrie dish for societies and cultures. Could they truly leave behind the tight corsets and stiff collars to have fun with all folks of all classes with out concern for class stratification due to wealth, power or even dress? The writer of this believes yes. This was a place where society began to leave behind their constrictions and just have plain fun. Therefore unmaking Victorian culture as it was known.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Gawadar Port and Sino-Pak Relations

Topic: – Gwadar Port and Sino-Pak relations. Table of Contents:- a . Introduction b . Background c . Historical Location Chapter #1 a. Pakistan China relations b. Strategic Cooperation c. Economic Forecast Chapter # 2 a. Geographical Importance b. Advantages of Gwadar Port Chapter #3 a. China’s Involvement in Gwadar project b. China’s Gain Chapter #4 a. Gwadar port as development Project b. Construction c. Port Operation Conclusion [1] Introduction :- Gwadar port is located at Gwadar city at the entrance of the Persian Gulf on Arabian Sea and about 460 km west of Karachi from Balochistan , Pakistan .Gwadar port , is a deep –sea warm water port ,being constructed in two phases with heavy investment from china . Gwadar has had huge geostrategic significance on my accounts. In 1993 ,Pakistan started technical and financial feasibilities for the development of Gwadar port . The Gwadar port project started on 22 March 2002a. The first phase has been completed b ut officials expect the port’s initial three berths to be operational in the later months of 2007 . Gawadar port was inaugurated on March 19,2007 . Gawadar port is Pakistan’s first deep port that has the capacity to serve virtually all sorts of cargo ships of any size.Background :- Gwadar is located on the southwestern coast of Pakistan,close to on the persain Gulf. More than 13 million of oil pass through the strait . It is strategically located between three increasingly important regions : the oil –rich Middle East, heavily populated south Asia and the economically emerging and resource –loaded region of central Asia . The Gwadar port is expected to generate billions of dollars in revenues and create at least 2 million jobs. In 2007 the government of Pakistan handed over port operations to PSA Singapore for 25 years,and gave it the status of a Tax Free Port for the following 40 years . Historical Location :- The Makran region surrounding Gwadar by anci ent Bronze age people which settled in the few oases . It later became the Gedrosia region of the Achaemenid Persian empire . It later became the Gedrosia region empire . It is believed to have been conquered by the founder of the Persian empire ,Cyrus the Great. During the home ward march of Alexander the great ,his admiral ,Nearchus,led a fleet along the modern –day Makran coast and recorded that the area was dry , mountainous, and inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi an Greek rendering of the Persian â€Å"Mahi Khoran ’’( which has itself become the modern word â€Å" Makran† ).After the collapse of Alexander’s empire the area was ruled by Seleucus Nicator ,one Of Alexander’s generals . The region then came under â€Å" local rule † around about 303 BC and the region remained on the sidelines of history for a millennium ,until the Arab – Muslim army of Muhammad bin Qasim captured the town of Gwadar in AD 711 and over the interven ing amount of time the area was countested by various powers , including the Mughals the safavids.Portugese explorers captured and sacked gwadar in the late 16th century and this was then followed by almost two centuries of local rule by the various Balochi tribes . In 1783 , the Khan of Kalat granted suzerainty over Gwadar to Taimur Sultan , the defeated ruler of Muscat . This governor was then ordered to control the nearby coastal town of chah Bahar ,where the Gwadar fort was built during Omani rule. In 1958 , the Gwadar farm was transferred to Pakistan . It was then made part of the Balochistan province in 2002 , the Gwadar project was begun in the town .The government of Pakistan intends to develop the entire area in order to reduce its reliance in shipping on the port of Karachi . In addition to expanding port facilities , the projects aims to build industrial complexes in the area and to connect the town via a modern highway to the rest of Pakistan . By the end of 2004 the fir st phase had been completed . [2] Chapter # 1 Pakistan – China Relations on Gwadar Port :- Gwadar Port & Karakoram Highway scheduled to be inaugurated on 30th June 2006, . fter the Chinese agreed to provide $ 198 million of the $248 million required for phase 1 of the 26th project. Here is important to note that in the beginning china was not ready to hold this project but finally agreed to fund it provided that it had â€Å" Sovereign guarantees to the port facilities† . Just 250 miles from the state of Hormuz ,through which nearly 40 % of the world’s oil supplies flow, the port is strategically located to serve as a key shipping point in the region .It is of the great strategic value as it augments Pakistan’s imports in the region ,while allowing china to expand and secure its crude oil import routes and simultaneously gain approach to the Persian Gulf . According to MOU signed between China and Pakistan ,China is also to built a 90 km link connecting t he Chinese side of Karakoram highway to the Russian built highway network that connects all the five Central Asian Republics . This regional highway network will directly Gwadar to Xinjiang and the landlocked Central Asian 28 Republics .The Karakoram highway and the coastal highway will both serve as vital trade routes and considering that the existing Karakoram highway already connects Western China to Pakistan ,any further expansion of the line along with prospective linkages to Gwadar road would make it the shortest and most viable route connecting Gwadar 29 to western china . This shows china’s attempt to exert its influence far beyond its borders to sustain its security interest ,as well as merge its friendship with Pakistan through large scale joint projects. Through the construction of the Gwadar port ,Beijing also will gain considerable influence in the region . giving it a strategic entrance to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, while allowing it to closely monito r US naval activity and US – Indian maritime cooperation . The doubtlessly is a cause for alarm and unease to both India and US as the port will enable China to monitor its energy shipments from the Persian Gulf. American suspicion of Chinese intentions at Gwadar is corroborated by an internal report prepared for the Pentagon entitled Energy futures in Asia Which states that Beijing has already has set up electronic eavesdropping posts at Gwadar which monitor ship traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and the 30 Arabian Sea .In addition , the port and the other supporting infrastructure will help mix Pakistan in to the Chinese economy by out sourcing low tech ,basic production and manufacturing jobs , making it into a giant factory floor for China . Having invested $400 million in the project , the port will be available for Chinese imports and export through overland links that stretch across the Karakoram 31 Highway . For Pakistan as well ,the benefits are profound ,where to quote President Musharraf , â€Å" as and when needed the Chinese navy could be in Gwadar to 32 give befitting replies to every one . This statement was further reinforced by Pakistan’s recent designation of the port area as â€Å" a sensitive defense area† . Gwadar would inhibit India’s ability to blockade Pakistan , and permit China to supply Pakistan by land and sea during wartime . Essentially , Pakistan is interested in the project to gain strategic leverage so that it is less vulnerable to the dominant Indian navy . The construction of the port and the highway, by making Pakistan a regional trade –hub for commercial traffic ,will also boost domestic economic development ,and influence the geo – strategic environment of the region .The port will enable the transfer of Central Asia’s vast energy resources to world markets , earning Pakistan significant profits in transits fees, as well as attract considerable investment into Balochista n . In addition , discussions are already underway to designate the Gwadar port as a free trade ,while some members of the Pakistani business community advocate the eventual designation of the Gwadar port as an export processing zone with special incentives extended to Chinese companies .Moreover ,the opening of international trade through Gwadar can create new stakeholders in Afghanistan who will become beneficiaries of the transportation trade to Central Asia . Gwadar thus presents a good opportunity for fostering good neighborly relations between Pakistan and the region to its immediate northwest . However, the success of the port and ,in general ,the effectiveness of the agreements signed between the two nations will depend essentially on internal development in Pakistan. [3] Strategic co-operation:-Gwadar is the height of Sino-Pakistani strategic cooperation . It is a modern port city that is supposed to link Central Asia, western china, and Pakistan with markets in Mildest and Africa . It’s supposed to have roads stretching all the way to China. Some reports in the American media , however , have accused Pakistan and China of building a naval base in the guise of a commercial seaport directly overlooking international oil shipping lanes . The Indians and some other regional actors are also not comfortable with this project because they see it as commercial competition.What Mr. Bugti’s regional and international supporters never expected is Pakistan moving firmly and strongly to nip his rebellion in the bud. Even Mr . Bugti himself probably never expected the Pakistani state to react in the way it did to his betrayal of the homeland . He was killed in a military operation where scores of his armed force surrendered to Pakistan army soldiers . US intelligence and their Indian advisors could not cultivate an immediate replacement for Mr Bugti . So they moved to plan B.They supported Abdullah Mehsud, a Pakistani Taliban fighter held for five ye ars in Guantanamo Bay, and then handed over back to the Afghan government, only to return to his homeland, Pakistan, to kidnap two Chinese engineers working in Balochistan, one of whom was killed during rescue operations by the Pakistani government . Islamabad could not tolerate this vague figure , who was creating a following among ordinary Pakistanis camouflaged as a Taliban while in reality towing a vague agenda . He was rightly eliminated earlier this year by Pakistani security forces while secretly returning from Afghanistan after meeting his handlers there. 4] Economic Forecast :- The government declared port a â€Å" Special zone† in the budget ,2003-2004 . All banks will open their branches ,five star hotels will be built ,offshore banking will be started ,factories, warehouses, and storage will be set up ,the tourism industry will be promoted in the area ,an export processing zone will be set up , making Pakistan a very attractive place for direct foreign investment ,and Gwadar port a regional hub of trade and investment activities. Chapter# 2 Geopolitical Importance: The Gwadar port is emerging as a place of great strategic value.It is enhancing Pakistan’s importance in the whole region. It is extending from the Persian Gulf through the Indian Ocean to South Asia and the Far East. Gwadar is located on the Southwestern coast of Pakistan. It is very close to the important Straits of Hormuz, through which more than 13 million bbl of oil passes. It is strategically located between three increasingly important regions of the world: heavily populated South Asia, the oil rich Middle East and the economically emerging and resource rich Central Asia. The construction of The Gwadar deep sea port is just one part f a larger development plan which includes building a network of roads connecting Gwadar with the rest of Pakistan, such as the 650 km Coastal Highway to Karachi and The Gwadar-Turbat road(188 km). This network of roads connects Pakistan with China through the Indus Highway. China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan are developing extensive rail and road links from Central Asia and the Chinese province of Xinjiang to the Arabian Sea Coast. The Pakistani Government has initiated several projects with china’s technical and financial assistance.These projects are inaugurated to develop Gwadar’s strategic location as a good transit and trade point. The primary project is the construction of deep sea port at Gwadar, which would enable high –volume cargo movement to and from the landlocked Central Asian States. The new port will also include conversion facilities to allow for the movement of natural gas as a part of plans for the termination point for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan natural gas pipeline. The secondary project is coastal highway which is connecting Gwadar to Karachi.Its cost, $200 million will be completely financed by Chinese. Gwadar will serve as a port of entry fo r gas and oil to be transported by land to Western regions of China. The significance of Gwadar port is great to both, Pakistan and China. In near future Pakistan will be able to make strong strategic plans because in past Indian navy made it very difficult for Pakistan navy base at southwest Karachi. China is going to be recipient of Gwadar’s most accessible international trade routes to the Central Asian republics and Xiajiang.Beijing can receive cargo to and from Gwadar through shortest route, Karachi to Peshawar, by extending its East West Railway from the Chinese border city of Kashi to Peshawar in Pakistan’s North West. To supply oil from the Persian Gulf to Xiajiang, the rail network could also be. Internal rail network of Pakistan can also provide china with rail access to Iran. Rail access will however be hampered somewhat by difference in gauge: Pakistan-1676; Central Asia-1524mm; China and Iran-1435mm. Advantages of Gwadar Port:Gwadar is located on the Gulf of Oman which is close to the entrance of Persian Gulf. It is about 460 km west of Karachi. Pakistan started feasibility studies for the development of a major deepwater sea port at Gwadar in 1993. The port project began on 22 March 2002. Its first phase completed in December 2005. The construction of the port has prompted other major infrastructure projects in area. This includes the 700 km Makran Coastal highway which is now complete. The road links Karachi with several ports along the coast including Pasni, Ormara and Gwadar.It will be extended to Iranian border in future. The Highway has reduced travel time to Karachi from 48 hrs to only 7 hrs. Other road projects include the Gwadar-Quette-Chaman road which is completed now, and a road link to the town of Khuzdar in Eastern Balochistan. There are plans for a terminal for passenger ships. The Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan has embarked 3000 acres of land for Gwadar International Airport . It will be built 26 km away to the northeast of existing airport towards Pasni. Its cost approximation is between $200-250 million.The new airport would be given International status. It will operate under open sky policy. There are also plans to improve facilities at the existing airport. Railways: In 2005, Minister of Railway said,† The government is focusing on laying the Havelin-Kashghar (China) and Quetta-Kandahar (Afghanistan) railway tracks†. In 2006. Minister of railway announced that Gwadar will be connected to Pakistan Railway network at an expected cost of $1. 25 billion (Rs. 75 billion)[5] Chapter# 3 China’s Involvement in the Gwadar port: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inaugurated the Gwadar deep sea port.Through which china would be able to take a Giant Leap Forward in gaining a foothold in the Persian Gulf region. It will advance what a recent Pentagon report describes as Beijing’s â€Å"String of Pearls† strategy that aims to protect China’s energy security at home and project Chinese power overseas. Gwadar is a fishing village on the Arabian Sea Coast in Pakistani province of Balochistan. Balochistan shares border with Iran and Afghanistan to the west. Gwadar is just 72km from Iranian border. The important thing is Gwadar’s closeness to the Persian Gulf.It is situated near the entrance of this strategic body of water, and about 400 km from the Strait of Hormaz, a major channel for global oil supplies. Pakistan identified Gwadar as a port site in 1964. But significant steps toward making the proposal a reality were taken in 2001, when China agreed to participate I n the construction and development of Gwadar deep sea port. The arrival of United States in Afghanistan in 2001, at China’s doorstep encouraged Beijing to step up its involvement in the Gwadar project. Chinese vice premier Wu Bangguo laid the foundation for Gwadar port in March 2002.China’s involvement in the project is immense. The total cost of the project is e stimated US$1. 16 billion, of which China has contributed about $198 million for the first phase, almost four times the amount Pakistan has invested for this phase, which include of three multi-purpose ship berths. China has invested $200 million for building a highway, which connects Gwadar port with Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi (an other sea port on the Arabian Sea). The second phase which may include nine more berths, an approach channel and storage terminal, will also be financed by China.Beside its financial help China has sent 450 engineers and provided technical expertise for the project. In recent year, bilateral trade has steadily increased between China and Pakistan. Both countries have highlighted the immense economic returns that development of Gwadar port holds out for them, as well as others in the region. China’s Gains:- Zia Haider, an analyst at the Washington-based Stimson Center, writes that Gwadar provides China â€Å"a transit terminal for crud e-oil imports from Iran and Africa to China's Xinjiang region†.The network of road and rail connecting Pakistan with Afghanistan and Central Asian republics that is envisaged as part of the Gwadar project and to which China will have access would provide Beijing an opening into Central Asian markets and energy sources, in the process stimulating the economic development of China’s backward Xinjiang region†. [6] For China, Gwadar’s strategic value is because of its closeness to the Strait of Hormuz. About 60% of China’s energy supplies come from the Middle East.China has been anxious that the US, due to its high presence in region, could stop these supplies. â€Å"Having no blue water navy to speak of, China feels defenseless in the Persian Gulf against any hostile action to choke off its energy supplies,† points out Tarique Niazi, a specialist in resource based conflicts, in the Jamestown Foundation’s China Brief. [7] A presence in Gwad ar provides China with a â€Å"listening post† where it can monitor US naval activity in the Persian Gulf, Indian activity in the Arabian Sea.A recent report titled â€Å"Energy Futures in Asia† produced by defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton for the Pentagon notes that China has already setup electronic eavesdropping posts at Gwadar, which are monitoring maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea. Drawing attention to China’s â€Å"string of pearls† strategy, the reports point out that â€Å"China is building strategic relationships along the sea lanes from the Middle East to South China Sea in ways that suggest defensive and offensive positioning to protect China’s energy interests, but also to serve broad security objectives†. 8] The port and naval base in Gwadar is part of â€Å"string of pearls†. The other â€Å"pearls† in the string include facilities in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia an d South China Sea that Beijing has acquired access to by diligently building ties with governments in these countries. The Pentagon report sees China’s efforts to defend its interests along oil shipping sea lanes as â€Å"creating a climate of uncertainty† and threatening â€Å"the safety of all ships on the high seas†. This perception neglects the fact that China’s â€Å"string of pearls† strategy has been prompted by its sense of insecurity.The United States irresistible presence in the Gulf and the control of its exercises over the Malacca Strait, through which 80% of China’s oil imports pass, has added enormously to Beijing’s fears that Washington could stop its oil supply, in the event of hostilities over Taiwan. China’s foothold in the Arabian Sea has set off alarm bells in India, Iran and US. For India, China-Pakistan collaboration at Gwadar and China’s presence in the Arabian sea intensifies its feeling of hold b y China from all sides.Iran sees the development of Gwadar port in its neighborhood as likely to grind down the significance of its ports, especially Chabahar port that India has helped to construct-to central Asia and Afghanistan. However, Iran’s good relations with Central Asian Republics and Afghanistan would help it to maintain its advantage Pakistan’s Gwadar port. Ultimately, the extents to which Pakistan and China are able to reap economic and strategic gains from Gwadar project depend on the challenges to it from within their borders.Chapter# 4 Development Projects: Oman: Oman has offered $100 million aid for the development of social and infrastructure facilities in Balochistan. Out of $100 million, Oman has provided $7 million for extending of runway at Gwadar Airport, construction of jetties, up gradation of Gwadar Hospital and construction of power house. Oman is also financing construction of Gwadar Hoshab Road, water supply scheme in Gwadar area and constr uction of irrigation dams.Pakistan and Oman have signed a number of agreements which include Avoidance of Double Taxation, Promotion and Protection of Investment, Cultural, Educational and Technical Co-operation, Agreement on cooperation between Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry and FPCCI, Maritime Boundary Agreement and Agreement to establish Pak-Oman Joint Investment Company. The closeness to Oman is an advantage to Pakistan. Around 70,000 Pakistani citizens are participating in the development of Oman. Omani assistance for construction of Gwadar port is going a long way in promoting economic relations between Gwadar-Pakistan and Central Asian States. 9] Pakistan: Pakistan is linking Gwadar with Karachi through networking of roads. It’s also enabling Central Asian States in north, to use Gwadar as a port for their trade. Water supply is being improved, seven jetties are being constructed and local fishermen are being given motor engine run boats. The local hospital is a lso upgraded. A number of electric power generation projects are also being carried out in Gwadar and its surroundings. The Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO), a subsidiary of Wapda, has geared up the work for the building the power transmission line.It is expected to be completed soon. Airport: Gwadar has a small airport which is basically meant for Fokker aircraft. But the need is to expand this airport and enlarge its runway to facilitate the landing of wide body aero-planes. CAA has upgraded the Gwadar Airport for the landing of Airbuses. Gwadar airport is open air and after its inauguration the jet planes are also landing at it. A sum of 2. 3 million dollars is being utilized from Omani grant. The Pakistan government and the Civil Aviation Authority are also contributing Rs563. 35 million for this purpose.Dry Port: China wants to set up a dry port near the Pakistan-China border, so that Western China could also benefit from Gwadar seaport. It will create the ribbons of econ omic activity and hundreds of new jobs along proposed highway linking Gwadar with the Karakoram highway in the north. Construction: Dubai ports World, announced on June 1, 2006 that it will spend $10 billion to develop transport infrastructure and real estate in Pakistan. Dubai port World is also discussing the possibility of the company taking over operational management of Gwadar port in Balochistan.Emaar Prosperities, announced on May 31, 2006 there real estate developments in the cities of Islamabad and Karachi in Pakistan. The projects, with a total investment of $2. 4 billions, will include a series of master planned communities that will set new benchmarks in commercial, residential and retail property within Pakistan. In addition the conglomerate signed a exceptional $43 billion deal to develop two island resorts, Bundal Island and Buddo Island, over the next decade. Port Operations:Port of Singapore took over the management of Gwadar port by the end of January 2007. Port of Singapore was the highest bidder for the Gwadar port after Dubai Ports world backed out of the bidding process. Originally, the chairman of DP world, Sultan Ahmad bin Sulayem, who met President Pervez Musharraf on May 5th 2006, expressed a strong hope for the management of facilities at the strategic Gwadar deep-sea port and development of infrastructure in the southern port city everywhere in Pakistan. But a decision was taken not to bid, when India’s Security Council voiced concerns bout DP World’s projects in India, alongside its plan in Pakistan, and Sultan Ahmad bin Sulayem assured the Indians their pull out was well considered and Indian need not have any security concerns. The port will now be in competition with Dubai. Conclusion: The project of Gwadar port which was commenced on 22 March 2002, by China will enhance co-operation between Pakistan and China in the field of engeering and technology. The significance of this project is great for both countries. Gw adar is located on the Gulf of Oman close to the entrance of Persian Gulf.China is going to be the beneficiary of Gwadar’s most accessible international trade routes to Central Asian Republics and Xinjiang. Pakistan’s rail network can also provide China with rail access to Iran. For Pakistan, the economic returns from Gwadar port stem from its location near the Strait of Hormuz, through which 40% of the world oil passes. Gwadar could emerge as a key shipping point, bringing Pakistan desirable income, and when combined with the surrounding areas could become a trade hub, once rail and road links connect it to the rest of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.A road from Gwadar to Saindak is the shortest route between Central Asia and sea. Gwadar would provide landlocked Afghanistan and the Central Asian republics with access to sea. Goods, oil and gas reserves from these countries could be shipped to global markets through Gwadar port. The development of Gwadar could b ring economic gains to backward Balochistan. The infrastructure development of the province could make it an attractive investment destination. Bibliography: 1) Stefan Helders, World Gazetteer. â€Å"Gwadar†. 2) Daily Times. Gwadar deep seaport to generate two million jobs†. 3) Khaleeq Kiani, â€Å"Dawn. 40-year tax relief for Gwadar port operators†. 4) Jona Lendering, Livius. org. â€Å"Gedrosia†.. 5) Dott. Beatrice Nicolini, Oman Studies Centre. â€Å"International trade networks: The Omani Encalve of Gwadar† 6) Gwadar vision , http://www. gwadar. com. pk/new/gwadar. asp? var=vision 7) Development projects http://www. gwadar. com/new/gwadar. asp? var=devppojectsver the next decade 8) Latif, S. M. 1892. Lahore. Lahore: New Imperial Press, reprinted 1981, Lahore: Sanndhu Printers. ) Low, D. A. The Political Inheritance of Pakistan. London: Macmillan. 1991. 10) Papanek, G. F. Pakistan’s Development: Social Goals and Private incentives. Cambrid ge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1967. 11) Ziring, Lawrence. Pakistan: The Enigma of Political Development. Boulder, Colorado: Folkestone. 1980. 12) Pakistan among Top 10 Reformers (September12, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-03. 13) World Bank Country Classification Groups,(July 2006 data) Pakistan economy profile 2007. 14) http://www. cia. ov/library/publications/the-factbook/rankorder/2003rank. html 15) http://www. cia. gov/libraray/publications/the-worfactbook/rankorder/2087rank. html 16) http://www. cia. gov/libraray/publications/the-worfactbook/rankorder/2078rank. html 17) Business, Stakeholders and Strategic Responses in Pakistan Article written by Imran Ali of Lahore University of Management Sciences. 18) Gwadar: China’s Naval outpost on the Indian ocean Tarique Niazi, The Jamestown Foundation, China Brief 2/28/2005 19) Decoding India –Pakistan-China relations by Rajinder Puri Sep 13,2006. 0) Concluding Remarks at the Pakistan Development Forum 2006 by Jo hn Wall, World Bank Country Director for Pakistan (html). World Bank. 21) http://www. forbes. com/lists/2005/03/30/05f2000land. html. 22) http://www. asianresearch. org/articles/2528. html. 23) http://www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/Gwadar-port 24) http://www. travel-culture. com/pakistan/gawadar. shtml 25) http://livenreal. com/news/index. php/history-of-gwadar/ ———————– 26) [1] http://www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/Gwadar-port 7) [2] http://livenreal. com/news/index. php/history-of-gwadar/ [3] Gwadar vision , http://www. gwadar. com. pk/new/gwadar. asp? var=vision [4] Development projects http://www. gwadar. com/new/gwadar. asp? var=devppojectsver the next decade [5] www. wilkipedia. com/pakistan/gwadar-port/html [6] www. atimes. com/atimes/south_asia/gc04df06. html [7] http://www. asianresearch. org/articles/2528. html [8] www. atimes. com/atimes/south_asia/gc04df06. html [9]http://www. travel-culture. com/pakistan/ gawadar. shtml

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Emperor Penguin Facts (Aptenodytes forsteri)

The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the largest type of penguin. The bird is adapted to living its entire life in the cold of the Antarctic coast. The generic name Aptenodytes means diver without wings in Ancient Greek. Like other penguins, the emperor does have wings, but it cannot fly. Its stiff wings act as flippers to help the bird swim gracefully. Fast Facts: Emperor Penguin Scientific Name: Aptenodytes forsteriCommon Name: Emperor penguinBasic Animal Group: BirdSize: 43-51 inchesWeight: 50-100 poundsLifespan: 20 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Antarctic coastPopulation: Fewer than 600,000Conservation Status: Near Threatened Description Adult emperor penguins stand between 43 and 51 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 100 pounds. Weight depends on sex and season. Overall, males weigh more than females, but both males and females lose weight when incubating eggs and raising hatchlings. After the breeding seasons, both sexes weigh around 51 pounds. Males enter the season between 84 and 100 pounds, while females average around 65 pounds. Adults have black dorsal plumage, white feathers under their wings and on their bellies, and yellow ear patches and upper breast feathers. The upper part of the bill is black, while the lower mandible may be orange, pink, or lavender. Adult plumage fades to brown before molting each year in summer. Chicks have black heads, white masks, and gray down. Emperor penguins have bodies streamlined for swimming, flipper-like wings, and black feet. Their tongues are coated with rear-facing barbs that help prevent prey from escaping. Penguin bones are solid rather than hollow to help the birds survive the pressure of deep water. Their hemoglobin and myoglobin help them survive at the low blood oxygen levels associated with diving. On land, emperor penguins either waddle or slide on their bellies. Sian Seabrook, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Emperor penguins live along the coast of Antarctica between 66Â ° and 77Â ° south latitudes. Colonies live on land, shelf ice, and sea ice. Breeding occurs on pack ice as far as 11 miles offshore. Diet Penguins are carnivores that prey upon fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. They are social birds that often hunt together. They can dive to 1,500 feet, spend up to 20 minutes underwater, and forage over 300 miles from their colony. Chicks are hunted by Southern giant petrel and south polar skuas. Adults are only preyed upon by leopard seals and orcas. Behavior Penguins live in colonies ranging from 10 to hundreds of birds. When temperatures drop, penguins huddle in a rough circle around juveniles, slowly shuffling around so each adult gets a chance to shelter from the wind and cold. Emperor penguins use vocal calls to identify each other and communicate. Adults can call at two frequencies simultaneously. Chicks modulate the frequency of their whistle to call parents and indicate hunger. Reproduction and Offspring Although sexually mature at three years of age, most emperors dont start breeding until they are four to six years old. In March and April, adults begin courtship and walk 35 to 75 miles inland to nesting areas. The birds take one mate each year. In May or June, the female lays a single greenish-white egg, which weighs about one pound. She passes the egg to male and leaves him for two months to return to the sea to hunt. The male incubates the egg, balancing it on his feet to keep it off the ice. He fasts about 115 days until the egg hatches and his mate returns. For the first week, the male feeds the hatchling crop milk from a special gland in his esophagus. When the female returns, she feeds the chick regurgitated food, while the male leaves to hunt. The parents take turns hunting and feeding the chick. The chicks molt into adult plumage in November. In December and January all of the birds return to the sea to feed. Less than 20% of chicks survive the first year, as a parent must abandon a chick if its mate doesnt return before the guardians energy reserves are depleted. The adult survival rate from year to year is about 95%. The average lifespan of an emperor penguin is around 20 years, but a few birds may live as long as 50 years. Males keep chicks warm by resting them on their feet and snuggling them in an area of feathers called the brood patch.. Sylvain Cordier, Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN updated the conservation classification status of the emperor penguin from least concern to near threatened in 2012. A 2009 survey estimated the number of emperor penguins to be about 595,000 individuals. The population trend is unknown, but suspected to be decreasing, with a risk of extinction by the year 2100. Emperor penguins are highly sensitive to climate change. Adults die when temperatures rise high enough to reduce sea ice coverage, while low temperatures and and too much sea ice increases chick deaths. Melting sea ice from global warming not only affects the penguin habitat, but also the species food supply. Krill numbers, in particular, fall when sea ice melts. Emperor Penguins and Humans Emperor penguins also face threats from humans. Commercial fishing has reduced food availability and tourism disrupts breeding colonies. Emperor penguins have been kept in captivity since the 1930s, but only successfully bred since the 1980s. In at least one case, an injured emperor penguin was rescued and released back into the wild. Sources BirdLife International 2018. Aptenodytes forsteri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22697752A132600320. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22697752A132600320.enBurnie, D. and D.E. Wilson (Eds.). Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the Worlds Wildlife. DK Adult, 2005. ISBN 0-7894-7764-5.Jenouvrier, S.; Caswell, H.; Barbraud, C.; Holland, M.; Str Ve, J.; Weimerskirch, H. Demographic models and IPCC climate projections predict the decline of an emperor penguin population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106 (6): 1844–1847, 2009. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806638106Williams, Tony D. The Penguins. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN 978-0-19-854667-2.Wood, Gerald. The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. 1983. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.