Thursday, October 31, 2019

Literacy and First Graders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Literacy and First Graders - Essay Example Looking at literacy and reading readiness at the academic and scholastic level, it is much easier to see the current issues and concerns in literature. Pre-reading skills are already considered to be of the most important in children learning to read quickly and successfully. These skills include, but are not limited to sight awareness of letters and common words, phonemic awareness, basic comprehension, writing skills, vocabulary, and word attack skills. Sight awareness suggests that children can fully recognize all letters in both lower and uppercase forms, and are able to recognize simple and common words (the, at, apple) regularly, with no assistance. This is perhaps the most crucial of all pre-reading skills, since children use this base to build vocabulary. Phonemic awareness is a child's understanding of what sounds a letter or a pair of letters makes, and how it can change from situation to situation. This recognition makes it possible for children to link a written and a spoken word in their mind. Basic comprehension deals with a child understanding what they have read or had read to them, and able to discuss what they hav e just read or heard. Basic comprehension skills are essential for successful readers, since it is not the ability to read a word, rather the ability to understand the word that is being tested. Writing skills are considered pre-reading skills, since they help children develop a physical understanding of how words are formed, and how letters are formed. Along with basic comprehension, writing is used to determine a child's literacy rate, rather than necessarily improve their ability to read. While increased reading has been proven to improve writing skills, there have been no recent studies suggesting that the opposite is true. Vocabulary is the words that a child knows, which help them to decode words that they are unfamiliar with. The greater a child's vocabulary, the greater chance they have of being successful in understanding a new word or idea. Vocabulary is built both through successful reading skills, and through comprehension of stories both read by the child and read to th e child. Finally, word attack skills are the child's ability to look at a word and to successfully decipher its' meaning, in the context in which it has been presented. The more willing to attack a word a child is, the greater chance they have of succeeding. These skills are all necessary pre-reading skills, and are presented in Tivnan and Hemphill's 2005 study of literacy programs in high poverty areas. By looking at children from high poverty areas, and from minority groups, it is clear that literacy is still a primary concern for the educational community. Children from low socioeconomic classes, particularly those from minority families, are at risk for developing poor literacy skills. These children enter school with less early literacy training, and are more likely to leave elementary school with an inadequate ability to read (Tivnan and Hemphill, 2005). Clearly, early introduction to pre-reading skills and literacy campaigns makes a significant difference in children's ability to excel at the reading task. Children from poor

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Texas Parks and Wildlife Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Texas Parks and Wildlife - Research Paper Example Currently, the Texas parks and wildlife department has several responsibilities. These include managing and conserving states natural resources and providing the public with opportunities and access to fish and wildlife habitats. Background information and history The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) was created in 1983, following the merger between the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish commission. However, its formation can be traced back to 1879 when fish commissioner’s officer was first established as a state agency in 1879. In 1983, the department was authorized to oversee all the resources both fish and the wildlife in all counties of Texas. The authority was given after the Wildlife Conservation Act was approved by the Texas legislature. Several historic sites that were under the management of Texas Parks and Wildlife earlier were reassigned to the Texas historical commission on 1st January 2008. In 1879, the governor was authorized to appoint a fish comm issioner by the 16th legislature of Texas. The governor appointed the commissioner to a term of two years after being approved by the senate. This appointment was to ensure that the Act for fish preservation was carefully complied with. In addition, it was meant to ensure that fish ladders and fish ways were constructed. The Fish Commissioner’s office came to being in 1881. ... The commissioner was also given powers to appoint his deputy commissioners. In 1907, the responsibilities of Commissioner’s Office were expanded. It also covered protection of wild birds and wild game. Therefore, commissioner was renamed Game, Fish, and Oyster commissioner. Fish and Oyster Commissioner’s Office was made up of three members. In 1972, the number doubled to six members. By 1983, the commission was made up of nine members who were appointed by the governor and approved by the senate. The commission members are office bearers for overlapping six-year terms. The governor appoints the chairperson of the commission biennially. The meetings of the commission are normally quarterly. However, when required they meet on a regular basis. The major responsibility of the commission is to acquire the appropriate rules and policies that play a significant role in conducting the various parks and wildlife department programs. Location and management of the Texas parks an d wildlife department TPWD headquarters is located at 4200 Smith School Road in Austin, Texas. Both the regional and field offices are established in different parts throughout the state. Those who are not working with the headquarters in Austin are known to be seventy-six percent of the total department staff. The management and coordination of all the policies and programs that concerns personnel is done in the Austin headquarters, Human Resource Division. A commission that comprises of nine members governs TPWD. The governor appoints the commission. The major responsibility of the commission is to adopt appropriate rules and regulations. This will be used in various

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The History Of The Community Mobilization Sociology Essay

The History Of The Community Mobilization Sociology Essay The term community has various meaning. We can define community is a place where people living in the particular geographical area and they shares their common values, interests and they follows a particular way of living. The term community may refer to the national community or international community. In biology a community is a group of interacting people sharing a populated environment. Apart from a geographical area a community is a group or society, helping each other. In human communities belief, resources, needs, interest and a number of other conditions may be present in common, which also affects the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness. In every society various types of communities may take place. Some categorizations are as follows:- Geographic communities: It ranges from the local neighborhood, suburb, village, town or city, region, nation or even the planet as a whole. These refer to communities of location. Communities of culture: It ranges from the local clique, sub-culture, ethnic group, religious, multicultural or pluralistic civilization, or the global community cultures of today. They may be included as communities of need or identity, such as disabled persons, or frail aged people. Communities are nested; one community can contain another-for example a geographic community may contain a number of ethnic communities. Identity is also one of the important factor to assess the type of community. For example if a group of people indicates the common identity other than location then it would be a community based on their common interest. Also a professional community can also exist in society where a group of people are with the same or related occupations. There are different things that bind people together to their different communities or that they may have in common with the other people living around them, which includes beliefs and values, language, territory, religion, culture and occupations. Community Mobilization: A strong community feeling is also evident at times of crisis and change for families, such as marriage and death. In a community people shared their we feeling with each other. As we know that proper management and utilization of resources is the best possible way for the development of the community. Therefore community mobilization is always prominent for the development and upliftment of any community. For mobilizing the community people make their plans and then do the things accordingly. They take charge, transforming, developing their community and their lives as well. Community mobilization is a process which allows people in the community to: Identify needs and promote community interests. Promote good leadership and democratic decision making. Identify specific groups for undertaking specific problems. Identify all the available resources in the community and mobilize or generate new resources. Communities can mobilize to work for changes that will fulfill the social, emotional, financial and physical needs of people. Community mobilization is a process to create awareness among people regarding the present situation of the community in order to encourage positive change in the future For community mobilization communication is one of the important tool to achieve it. Through proper and effective communication various methods of mobilizing the community can be implemented. Here we are discussing the various methods for community mobilization by given actors as per the fig 1.1. Mobilizing the community Political Parties Social Movements Individual groups Political Parties The use of social networking sites by political parties and other politically active groups has been increased. These groups have realized that using of social networking potentially increases people mobilization. The Internet has become a fast and low-cost communication tool and enables quick and easy aggregation of political information among potential voters. For instance Mr. Barack Obama successful used Twitter, Flicker, You Tube, Facebook among others to communicate and mobilize people. He also had a $2 million dollar custom campaigning and social networking site built called As political parties are now actively engaging with social networking sites as part of their strategies to mobilize the maximum people in the community. In the present scenario, the use of social media is really important to mobilize the people and communities for collective action. We know that today millions of people are connected in one way or another to the internet. People are easil y accessible on internet. It is another way of reaching large numbers of people to mobilize them for a group effort. Facebook, Mixit, Twitter can also be effective for the above. To generate awareness among people and to mobilize them in large number to make a community independent. Newspapers, radio stations and the TV have the authority to inform thousands more people about various campaigns for mobilizing any community. By writing a press release, a political party can highlight the facts, peoples demands, and what people want the media to talk about regarding the development and continuous empowerment of their community. Parties can also organize a press conference. So they can invite the reporters to come to a meeting where spokespeople from the community organization speak out publicly about the problem and the solution of the problems of community. All these strategies political parties can apply to mobilize the community and people as well to generate awareness among them and to provide them a platform where people can discuss issues their community problems also mobilize the resources. Apart from above, Political rallies and the use of local languages are instrumental in the mobilization of groups for social action. Social Movements Social movements are a type of group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals or organizations which focus on specific political or social issues for their development. In other words, they carry out, resist or undo a social change in the society. Social movement campaigns play a critical role in mobilizing and maintaining the submerged networks of social movement communities. We discuss the importance of such movement campaigns and their effects on movement communities, subsequent collective action, and cultural and political change. Our research contributes to an understanding of the shape of social movement communities and the connections between local and international campaigns. Community mobilization is often used by grassroots-based social movements, which includes revolutionary movements. The process usually takes the form of large public gatherings such as mass meetings, marches, parades, processions and demonstrations. Those gatherings usually are part of a protest action. These are the different ways by which a community can be mobilized and can raise voice for the demand of development of the community. In other words, community mobilization seeks to facilitate change within the community for its development. Modern Western social movements became possible through education (the wider dissemination of literature), and increased mobility of labor due to the industrialization and urbanization of 19th century societies. Social movements have been and continued to be closely connected with democratic political systems. Occasionally, social movements have been involved in democratizing nations, but more often they have developed after democratization. Modern movements often utilize technology and the internet to mobilize people globally. Adapting to communication trends is a common theme among successful movements. Research is beginning to explore how advocacy organizations linked to social movements use social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action. It is a type of political organisation we need to think about is the social movement. A movement, by its very nature, is not something that can be easily pinned down since, as Glaser (2003) suggests, it represents a loose community of like-minded people who share a broad range of ideas and opinions. This type of definition, therefore, covers a range of behaviours, a good example of which might be something like the environmentalist movement a very broad category of people who, in a variety of ways, are concerned with protecting the physical environment. Della Porta and Diani (1999) refine this general idea by thinking about social movements in terms of Informal networks the movement as a whole is loosely structured. People come together, at various times, on the basis of: Shared beliefs and support for a general set of ideas, usually based around: Conflictual issues, especially, although not necessarily, issues of national and global significance. Part of the reason for social move ments is that issues of concern to movement adherents/members are either not being addressed by political parties or, if they are, the movements adherents are strongly opposed to the policies being proposed/ enacted. This is one reason why such movements often involve: Protest in a range of forms (such as civil disobedience, demonstrations or publicity stunts). In other words, as Schweingruber (2005) puts it, social movements involve: Continuous, large-scale, organized collective action, motivated by the desire to enact, stop, or reverse change in some area of society. Social movements are any broad social alliances of people who are connected through their shared interest in blocking or affecting social change. Although social movements do not have to be formally organized. Social movement is always an important tool to bring the change in society and as well as to mobilize the communities for their own development. By arranging people in mass meetings, parades, marches, discussions on various issues, movements for stressing the education of people, bringing the concept of democratization in light communities can mobilize through theses social movements. Social movements are always a part of society, and people may compare their options and make rational choices about which movements to follow. As long as social movements wish to be success, they must find resources (such as money, people, and plans) for how to meet their goals. Social movements are competing for a piece of finite resources, and the field is growing more crowded all the time.McCarthy and Zald (1977) conceptualize resource mobilization theory as a way to explain movement success in terms of its ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals. For example, PETA, a social movement organization, is in competition with Greenpeace and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), two other social movement organizations. Taken together, alo ng with all other social movement organizations working on animals rights issues, these similar organizations constitute a social movement industry. Multiple social movement industries in a society, though they may have widely different constituencies and goals, constitute a societys social movement sector. Every social movement organization (a single social movement group) within the social movement sector is competing for your attention, your time, and your resources. Individual groups It is always easy to start a fire and involve a number of people. Community members need to choose certain people whose role will be to keep the fire of community mobilization burning. In this guide these people will be called motivators. People in the community know each other very well. Take time to carefully choose honest people who are respected by others, and who can encourage others to work well together. They need to have some time and energy available, have a desire to bring change and be willing to work free of charge. Each community should select two or three motivators. The people chosen will need equipping and support in their role. Each local area has a number of different kinds of resources. People use these resources to keep alive and to cope with changing seasons, political change and cultural pressures. Helping people to understand and to value the different resources they have is very important. These are the main kinds of resources: _ Natural resources include land, trees, forests and water. _ Human resources include the skills, knowledge, understanding and labour of local people. _ Financial resources include money, access to credit and loans, credit unions and government support. _ Social resources include the culture, traditions, organizations, friends and extended family. _ Physical resources include buildings, tools, roads, water pumps and transport. _ Spiritual resources are the strength and encouragement that people gain from their faith. Local people already know more than any outsider about their community and the people living there. Many people assume they know everything about their local area, but there is always more to learn and understand before making new plans. Take plenty of time to help people in the community to tell their story together. One very effective way of doing this is to draw maps, either using clear ground with sticks, leaves and stones, or if available, large sheets of paper and pens. Encourage small groups to draw different maps to show: the natural and physical resources in the area (hills, forests, roads and rivers, for example) -where people live, noting important people and organisations -how the area looked 50 or 20 years ago (only for older people). So for mobilizing communities, individual groups can do the social mapping of the community so that the people can aware about the present problems in the community. Another helpful way to focus on key issues within the local area is to encourage people to prepare a role-play to express their concerns. As people discuss what subjects to use, they will often focus on important issues. However, they are also likely to share these in funny ways. Laughter has a way of taking the pressure out of a situation, helping people to discuss sensitive issues, sometimes for the first time. Again, encouraging people to work in small groups is another way to mobilize the communities. Having chosen their first priority for action, local people need to decide whether they have enough information to take action. For example, if education is identified as the priority, people may need more information about the problems and whether they are at primary or secondary level. The problem may be poor attendance and, if so, there is a need to find out why. Considering electing teams of local people to gather relevant information is another way to mobilize the communities. Choose people who can be trusted and who know their community well. Before sending teams out to gather information, take plenty of time to decide exactly what kind of information is needed. Apart from this, conducting role plays- street plays in the community is always a good strategy to mobilize the maximum number of people and to preparing them for a social action. By Arranging a community meeting to share all the information gathered is showing information clearly to the people. A large number of people can mobilize for the collective action after getting all the facts and problems of the community. Also, motivation plays an important role in this activity. As keep motivating the people in right direction is always worthy and will be fruitful for attaining maximum development of the community. Initial contact with the community is another way to mobilize people. Understanding community practices and traditions prior to establishing contact can help identify the appropriate approach for engaging with different groups and members of the community. It is important to focus on learning from the community, especially during the initial contact.  Taking every opportunity to meet informally with diverse members of the community (at the health post, during registration, at distribution points, in the queue for water). Also utilizing community leaders also increases the chances of reaching a cross-section of the population and not just a narrow representation. It is essential that all members of the community receive word about mobilization and how they can be involved.  Outreaching to those who are isolated, vulnerable or considered. If they cannot personally attend a meeting, it is important that they be represented in some way. So as per the above discussion, motivating peop le, arranging meetings, initial contacting with the communities, utilizing the community leaders, conducting role-plays, street plays, community outreaching are different ways to mobilize the maximum people of community by individual groups. Also, identifying an existing committee or a community-based organization which can give individual groups access to the community and facilitate distribution of  messages. Meeting the host community and the authorities is important to reach out the goals for community development and mobilization.   Messages might only reach certain groups, such as community leaders, and not all members of the community.  Developing outreach strategies with the leaders and others to ensure that everyone is informed, including women, girls and boys, minority groups, and people with mental and physical challenges. Making sure that information is delivered in a language everyone can understand, is culturally sensitive and is correctly perceived and understood.  As always communication should be effective and strong for the mobilization. Arranging meetings at mutually convenient times. As far the mobilization concern, for development of any community individual groups should make positive rappor t building among the community with key people- like facilitator, leaders, service providers etc. and whole community as well. A good rapport building is effective strategy to mobilizing the people.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transparency, respect and consistency are essential for building trust, confidence and collaboration between organizations and partners, including members of the community.  Also individual groups have to make ensure that after the first contact immediate follow-up action is taken or not.   Orienting the Community is another way to mobilize the people. The first step in mobilizing the community is to orient them to the process.  This can be done in a number of ways, including written communication, television, radio, or an organized meeting.  Meetings are more personal and conducive to building relationships.   They also facilitate two-way communication where questions can be answered efficiently. As groups can motivate community people for their maximum participation in every discussion as they should feel that they are the key part of it.   Also to start these meetings as soon as possible, so that trust and a positive working relationship can be built between parties. Having the meeting sponsored or hosted by a respected individual or group within the community can add credibility to its agenda.  This may happen through a church, school, tribe, or other local group.   Utilizing community leaders also increases the chances of reaching a cross-section of the population and not just a narrow representation. It is essential that all members of the community receive word about mobilization and how they can be involved.  Outreach is prominent to those who are isolated, vulnerable or considered marginal is critical. If they cannot personally attend a meeting, it is important that they be represented in some way. Individual groups should take care of these things before conducting any activity as part of the community or within the community. An only arranging meeting is not as sufficient. The goals of the meeting must be carefully considered and reflected in the agenda.  Community leaders can provide assistance presenting the information in a culturally appropriate manner. Some of the community leaders may be chosen to convey topics with which they are familiar.  During this meeting, it is important to invoke the input of the community. Identify their needs and begin to priorities how those needs will be met.   Individual groups sho uld know that this meeting will be an opportunity to develop an awareness of what the contributing organizations can provide, and also an opportunity to learn about the strengths and resources of the community. It will be important to define mutual goals and develop a plan as to how to reach these goals.  This will include organizing individuals to work together and coordinate services.   Proper organization of every resources and management is necessary to mobilize the people. Also individual groups should develop ongoing ways to communicate for mobilizing the people. Once goals have been defined and a plan has been developed, it will be important to identify ongoing ways to communicate.  Rather than having large meetings, cluster meetings of project staff, community leaders and community members working on similar tasks are more manageable and efficient.  The groups should begin team building with all team members (international  and national staff, community leaders and community members). It is vital that marginalized and vulnerable people are included in these teams.  Intervention with the community may be required for them to allow marginalized or isolated members of their community to participate in a team.   Working in small teams that include affected people as well as outside helpers.  Team leaders should meet daily for sharing of information, planning and coordination. Not all teams will be required for all emergency response projects. Some people may be a member of more than one team. Conclusion: It is to be concluded that for continuous community development mass awareness, people mobilization is very important. In our society there are different resources which can perform to mobilize the community. But one should only need to generate these resources within the community or outside the community. Maximum resource utilization and mobilization of people are key things for developing any community. Community development emphasizes participation, initiative and self-help by local communities but should be sponsored by national governments as part of a national plan.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Early Erectus Tools Found in China :: essays papers

Early Erectus Tools Found in China In the January/February issue of Archaeology magazine, the article "Early Homo erectus Tools in China" holds additional, yet questionable information about the foundations of the genus Homo. After recent findings of stone tools and animal bones at Renzidong (Renzi Cave) in Anhui Province, eastern China, Chinese scientists have concluded that Homo erectus may have been established there 400,000 years earlier than formerly believed, almost 2.25 million years ago. Besides this site being one of the oldest for findings of early hominins, it has fueled, "[†¦] a debate on the origins of our genus Homo, with some Chinese scientists proposing an evolution of H. erectus in China parallel to that [†¦] in Africa"(14). A limestone cave at Longgupo ("Dragon Hill") in Sichuan Province is also in the spotlight for the "[†¦] East-West debate [†¦]", over Homo origins (14). This cave has produced a 2 million year old mandible fragments with features supporting both ideas of origins from the Chinese and West, not yielding to a single, simple explanation. As to where these apes made their signature development onto the open, flat land is debated indefinitely. Approximately 1.7 million years ago, Homo erectus arose in Africa and shortly thereafter spread to other continents, as most scientists believe. As they expanded their range and increased in population, H. erectus may have exterminated H. habilis. Then transition from H. erectus to H. sapiens occurred about 400,000 years ago, and the dispute is over the place of origin of modern humans. "There is considerable controversy among scientists as to whether the transition to H. sapiens took place only in Africa, or the evolution of modern humans occurred simultaneously on three continents" (Purves 515). With little information that we have now, a strong, clear hypothesis with support is lacking. But these newly recovered fosiils and tools in Renzidong may change things around. The "out of Africa" hypothesis suggests a single origin in Africa followed by several dispersal’s. The "multiregional" hypothesis, in contrast, proposes parallel origins of Homo in different regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia. But the Chinese believe in the "Asian Hypothesis", or Asian origins of the genus. Both sides agree that plate tectonic movements caused climatic changes from East Africa to East Asia. The weather tended to be more "[†¦] seasonal and arid", instigating arboreal apes to move onto the savannah and evolve into upright hominins (Ciochon 15).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Art Appreciation Essay

Art has been part of the human culture for thousands of years. It has facilitated the development of civilization for centuries. The history of the world would not be the same without the affluence of creativity and innovation. One particular period in art history that clearly manifested the artistry and ingenuity of many artists was the Baroque period. The art style practiced during this era was described as the â€Å"harmony spatial relationships, both real and illusionary, with spectacular visual effects† which were executed using technical brilliance. Most of the artworks produced during the Baroque period had â€Å"highly developed naturalistic illusionism, usually heightened by dramatic lighting effects, creating an unequaled sense of theatricality, energy, and movement of forms† (Heindroff, 2006). More so, this art movement flourished throughout Europe wherein several talented artists have emerged who had helped shaped the contemporary art style. Morover, at that time, one of the famous themes for the visual arts was landscape painting. It is in this field that Annibale Carracci, an Italian painter, Claude Lorrain, a French artist, and Jacob Van Ruisdael, a Dutch artisan, have all excelled. They have produced some of the most exquisite masterpieces such as the Landscape with Flight into Egypt (c. 1603) by Carracci, A Pastoral Landscape by Claude Lorrain (c. 1650) and View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen by Van Ruisdael (c. 1670). In Carracci’s Landscape with Flight into Egypt, he showcased the beautiful landscape of Rome with two human figures and a donkey at the foreground. This piece of art was commissioned by â€Å"Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini Pietro Aldobrandini for the family chapel in his palace in Rome, later known as Palazzo Doria Pamphilj†during the year 1603. More so, this painting was considered as the most notable input of Carracci in the veduta genre which was described as the precise and detailed depiction of urban cities and rural landscapes that that attracted the â€Å"sense of local pride of the wealthy Dutch middle class. † Carracci successfully established â€Å"a balanced, idyllic landscape beauty, with a perfect sentimental fusion of the holy characters, their stories and the landscape† (NationMaster. com, 2005). Furthermore, he was one of the pioneers to create a landscape painting wherein the figures were not the focal point but it was the landscape that took the spotlight. This style was later on followed by Carracci’s pupils such as â€Å"Domenichino and Lorraine. † Overall, â€Å"Carracci was remarkably eclectic in thematic, painting landcapes, genre scenes, and portraits, including a series of autoportraits across the ages† (Bookrags. com, 2006). Meanwhile in France, Claude Lorrain was also acclaimed for his landscape paintings. Lorrain was born in Lorraine, France but he actually grew up in Italy. By 1633, he was able to launch his name as one of the most leading landscapist and he was also commissioned by high-ranking officials of the Italian society such as the â€Å"popes, cardinals, ambassadors and kings† (Barewalls. com). In A Pastoral Landscape, Lorrain was commissioned by â€Å"Prince Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna. † Like Carraci’s painting, this one also had no distinguishable subject. The figures present where â€Å"sitting and the standing shepherds† accompanied by 3 women (Miller, 2007). The background is a scenic view of the city alongside the pastoral landscape of the rural area. Lorrain’s landscape paintings illustrated a â€Å"sharp contrasts of light and shades. † More so, it was believed that Poussin influenced him to highlight spatial composition in order to reach a â€Å"complete balance between masses of trees and of architecture. † By 1650, he was able to hone and enhance his creativity and art skills and these were manifested in the â€Å"classical balance of the composition which is subtly altered by soft light† (Barewalls. com). For Van Ruisdael, he was also a landscape artist who studied painting in Germany but lived in Amsterdam. Van Ruisdael was able to establish his own studio where he trained several talented artists. His â€Å"dramatic, naturalistic rendering of landscapes and his emotional use of color support his reputation as the principal Dutch landscape painter in the second half of the 1600s. † Additionally, he mastered the use of proportional compositions, meticulous draftsmanship, and thick impasto which were all evident in the â€Å"View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen (Getty Museum, 2008). This landscape painting showed the panoramic view of Haarlem, Van Ruisdael’s hometown. The red roofs of the houses and the clouds in the sky were the main visual elements in the painting. These three paintings showcased the different approaches of three artists from three different countries during the flamboyant period of Baroque. Annibale Carracci, Claude Lorrain, and Jacob Van Ruisdael gave a new meaning to the word landscape painting wherein they transcended reality in a two-dimensional canvases infused with their own respective personalities and techniques. References Barewalls. com. (n. d. ). Claude Lorrain. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://www. dropbears. com/a/art/biography/Claude_Lorrain. html Bookrags. com. (2006). Annibale Carracci. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://www. bookrags. com/wiki/Annibale_Carracci Getty Museum. (2008). Jacob van Ruisdael. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://www.getty. edu/art/gettyguide/artMakerDetails? maker=517 Heindroff, A. M. (2006, July 24). Baroque Art. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://arthistory. heindorffhus. dk/frame-Style10-Baroque. htm Miller, M. (2007, February 16). Claude Lorrain Landscape Drawings from the British Museum at the Clark. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://www. berkshirefinearts. com/? page=article&article_id=218&catID=3 NationMaster. com. (2005). The Flight into Egypt (Annibale Carracci). Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http://www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/The-Flight-into-Egypt- (Annibale-Carracci)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical analysis of a PR campaign

Abstract The value of the public relations campaign has become a topic of substantial debate. This essay assesses the role of the process and the value it has in today’s business world. With the evidence presented showing that there can be value found in a well-executed PR strategy, the Queensland 2009 project illustrates the pros and cons. This work will be of value to any researcher evaluating the nature of public relations. 1 Introduction Public relations and the capacity to effectively communicate a concept or idea to the general public has become a science in the modern world (Macnamara, 2010). The converse argument that some utilize is that companies should not have to create a campaign to sell a good product, has also been used to limited effect (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2003). The role of public relations (PR) campaigns in the business world has continued to gain prominence as increased technology allows companies to reach entirely new markets (Ryan, and Jones, 2011). This essay examines the Tourism Queensland promotion of the Great Barrier Reef in 2009 in an effort to develop an understanding of the strengths and detriments of the approach. Widely regarded as being one of the more effective PR campaigns in modern history, this example illustrates the power and impact that a well-considered strategy can have. 2 Public Relations Campaign2.1 BackgroundThe Tourism Australia website suggests that the Tourism Queensland 2009 â€Å"Best Job in the World† is one of the most successful public relations campaign in the world (Australia, 2014). Others cite the spectacle overshadowing the product in relation to this campaign (Macnamara, 2010). The Queensland campaign had a goal of developing an innovative method of promoting their destinations, while at the same time aligning market activity through all international markets (Simon, 2014). There was a need for the company to inspire a large population to become interested enough to try the associated services offered by the company. Specifically targeted at a adventuresome demographic, the campaign offered jobs in exotic regions to six lucky winners (Australia, 2014). Appealing directly to the exotic nature of the offered job by placing appealing phrases including ‘Clean the Pool and Collect the Fish’ to describe the duties invol ved in the jobs, served to stir the imagination of the target population (Sweeney, 2009). Adhering to a basic principle of tourism, that there must be a unique offering in order to stoke interest, the Queensland campaign offered a rare chance for employment in a desirable environment (Goeldner et al, 2010). It was noted that the caretaker option enticed tens of thousands of applicants to apply (Sweeney, 2009). Not only was there a widespread and positive response, the contest style of the application served to instil a sense of chance and rarity which increased stoked interest. Yet, others noted the increase in management cost that this process imposed on the business (Macnamara, 2010). This choice of presentation indicates that the campaign was successful due to the manner of enticement. Obstacles coupled with the psychological challenge represented by the remote nature of the experience created a novel opportunity that many individuals found appealing. By targeting the adventurers, the Queensland campaign provoked international interest (Sweeney, 2009). This supports the research assumption that a large population would be interested in this brand of employment. This broad appeal served to build an advertising platform that could be utilized to entice those that are not lucky enough to be chosen for the six positions advertised (Macnamara, 2010). Another factor that benefited the campaign was found in the way the campaign used word-of-mouth to become known. This manner of inexpensive advertisement cost very little, yet provided a wealth of contacts that offered further revenue potential.. The campaign also generated interest in the media, thus providing further opportunities for promotion (Sweeney, 2009). With another addition of low cost advertising, this evidence suggests that the benefit to the the scope of advertising and operations will very likely offset any adverse financial or social impacts. The Queensland campaign provided a story line that everyone around the world could watch with interest (Simon, 2014). Utilizing a simplistic approach that appealed to wide range of demographics, the campaign successfully communicated with their target audience.2.2 Key issuesA prize that most people wanted was at the heart of the Queensland PR campaign (Sweeney, 2009). The chance to obtain not just a free vacation, but a new life, a chance to walk the beaches and sit in the sun and get paid for it was impossibility for many people (Australia, 2014). The Sweeney (2009) evidence illustrates that the strategy was to stimulate interest in the campaign by speaking directly to t he dreamer in each person. This capacity to evoke a wish in the minds of the consumer seems to be equaled by the parallel interest espoused by the media and those that wish to actually vacation in the area. The Queensland campaign felt that it was of primary interest to evoke a global interest in their properties through the PR effort (Simon, 2014). By utilizing the form of competition to secure a ‘dream job’ the company offered an image that could be translated beyond the possible job, and into the realm of potential vacation. Utilizing a straightforward approach allowed for easy communication for every demographic (Sweeney, 2009). With five key areas including launch, application, and shortlisting and voting, application section and employment there was a comprehensive effort to maximize the exposure (Simon, 2014). Every stage of this campaign was focused on effectively communicating the message to the largest group at the least cost. By combining different incentives the campaign capitalized on free media coverage to accomplish their goals of worldwide exposure. Audience targeting plays a prominent role in any effective public relations campaign (Grunig, 2013). This facet of a campaign allows the marketing efforts to be directed at a specific group in order to make the most of the project. In this case, the target audience was deemed to be relevant to the industry through the placement of the ads foremost, as well as the language used in the ads (Sweeney, 2009). Phrases including words that conjured images of relaxation and relative ease attracted a large number of people interested in finding an exotic metho d of working, something that lay substantially outside the norm, idyllic. With attractive phrasing including options such as ‘feed the fish’ or clean the pool, there was a defined perception of tropical ease at work, which in turn served to spur continued interest in the campaign (Australia, 2014). This avenue generated great interest by the nature of the target population’s inherent inclinations. The evidence suggests that the short term goal of attracting a person that was looking for relaxing work, very close to the variety of vacations the company offered to consumers, offered the dual capacity of attracting possible customers as well as employees. Not only did this outreach to the target population succeed in drawing large numbers, this seems to illustrate that many of the respondents found vacation opportunities with the company, which in turn served to substantially boost the company’s revenue stream, brand and exposure during this period. There is a clear linkage between the message of seeking employees and the consistent message of selling packages to prospective consumers which is an integral component of a many successful PR campaigns (Biocca, 2013). The deft implementation of the Queensland campaign recognized the target audience, and better still, was able to reach this population utilizing attractive messaging (Biocca, 2013). Appealing to the very basic wants and needs of the prospective target market compelled many of the most unlikely people to apply for this job, which was a good element that generated interest. The single word emblazoned in ad â€Å"Explore† with the only requisite to report back was enough to spur a massive wave of interest across the adventure seekers of the world (Sweeney, 2009:1). The capacity to build a narrative, a form of contest around the employment message, served as a key element of the continued success of the project (Cutlip, 2013). The centre of the campaign was through building an instrument that served to inspire the imagination with questions including â€Å"could this be your dream?† (Sweeney, 2014:1). With the high technology facet of the campaign, the strategy to incorporate social media was a deemed a success by the media, winning recognition and awards, that served to drive associated attention to a frenzy (Australia, 2014). This suggests that the campaign set out to capitalize on the spectacle of the job hunt process in order to spread the word on the media front, which in turn spurred more applications. The contest style design of the application process allowed for a wide range of creativity that served to further appeal to the target populations, or those that wished to find something outside the ordinary (Biocca, 2013). This component allowed for a contest format, which offered inclusion in the sense that even those that could not win the job itself could take part. This form of advertising that contained different methods of appealing to consumers served to spread the word of the vacation opportunities to an entirely new population, serving the needs of the company at a minimal cost (Grunig, 2013). A key element that was fundamental to the success of the Queensland campaign rests in the capacity for any adventurous person, regardless of station, location, sex or limitation could apply (Australia, 2014). This element widened the range which meant that every person associated with the campaign had a visual of themselves on an exotic locale, doing a dream job. The ad made use of issues including elements of equality that commonly considered every participant â€Å"The PR element was the enormous coverage, online and offline, it generated and the direct engagement the campaign made with consumers.†(Sweeney, 2009:1). This statement illustrates the components came together from a well-planned strategy that resulted in the wide spread use of social media in the drive to spread the campaign to every possible perso n. Modern technology has greatly enhanced the capacity for a well-planned public relations strategy to reach the consumer for a minimal cost (Ryan et al, 2011). In the case of the Queensland campaign, the technological world served to benefit their advertising in critical methods, including the transmission of video clips and the availability of these ads to be shared among outlets including Facebook (Grunig, 2013). With the very first low cost ad that featured a web page that pointed the way to further information, the Queensland strategy capitalized on the need for low cost solutions that placed a value on the product and not the delivery, thereby keeping attention on the company. The attraction of the dream job fuelled a rapid rise of people that were aware of the campaign just from the efforts of the social media world (Macnamara, 2010). Further, once this group of consumers was connected to the parent company, online, there was every opportunity for further promotions targeting the same group. This suggests that even as the initial campaign grew,, some of the most valuable information was the long term consumer list that has the potential to fuel future sales for the company. Social media enables this message to reach a wide range of people across all spectrums in every nation on earth (Pomering, 2013). Another component that became a key component of the Queensland PR campaign success was the combination of social media, consumer interest and a contest including the acquisition of votes in order to not only stoke but sustain interest (Sweeney, 2012). Social media made this form of contest possible, with the dreamers fuelling the desire to see it happen if not to them then to someone they could relate to. Once again, the campaign appealed to the target market in a manner that they could relate to with a message that they could understand. This has served to provide Queensland with a sustained and widely popular brand that is associated with innovation and trying new concepts (Australia, 2014).2.3 EffectivenessThe Queensland PR campaign has been deemed successful and innovative by a wide variety of professionals and advertisers around the world (Pomering, 2013). The simple style, coupled with the psychological incentives combined to surpass company expectations. The implementation of low cost solution to high cost problems propelled this campaign forward. As evidence of their overall success, the Queensland Company claims the campaign has changed the face of global advertising in a positive manner (Australia, 2014). This point has a clear impact on the manner in which other modern operations are conducted. With numbers that are hard to dispute, the amount of interest generated by free media coverage alone provides a compelling appeal to the approach. 3 Conclusion This essay examined the Tourism Queensland promotion of the Great Barrier Reef in 2009 in an effort to develop a deeper appreciation of the benefits and detriments of the approach. The research illustrated that it was the simple, direct, novel and innovative approach the Queensland PR campaign that utilized the exotic locale and attractiveness of rare employment, alongside the simple principles of timing and effective communication to sustain the interest of entire global population. There was a direct a lasting outreach to a targeted market of adventurers using social media that resulted in a growing wave of interest that created media attention and further exposure. Building on this reaction was the contest application method that publicized the lucky winner, and continued to follow the person after the job. As a result of this strategy the company experienced free media coverage, a wide base for extended communication and an overall improvement of their brand image. Further, this able utilization of assets on hand was accomplished at a minimal cost with maximum effect. In the end the Queensland PR campaign of 2009 showcased what can happen when a company can tap into the dreams of a population, as well as the pocket book. References Australia, T. 2014. About the campaign – Best Jobs in the world – Campaigns – Tourism Australia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. Biocca, F. 2013. Television and Political Advertising. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Culbertson, H. M. and Ch?en, N. 1996. International public relations. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. Cutlip, S. M. 2013. Public relations history. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. Goeldner, C. R. and Ritchie, J. R. B. 2010. Tourism. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Grunig, J. E., Grunig, L. A. and Toth, E. L. 2013. The future of excellence in public relations and communication management. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. Macnamara, J. 2010. Public relations and the social: How practitioners are using, or abusing, social media. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 11 (1), pp. 21–39. Pomering, A. 2013. Indigenous Identity in the Nation Brand: Tension and Inconsistency in a Nation’s Tourism Advertising Campaigns. Corporate Reputation Review, 16 (1), pp. 66–79. Ryan, D. and Jones, C. 2011. The best digital marketing campaigns in the world. London: Kogan Page. Smith, R. D. 2002. Strategic planning for public relations. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Sweeney, M. 2009. ‘Best job in the world’ campaign storms Cannes Lions advertising awards. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. Simon, R. 2014. Tourism Queensland ‘Best Job In The World’ Social Media campaign – Marketing Case Studies | UTalkMarketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. Critical analysis of a PR campaign Abstract The value of the public relations campaign has become a topic of substantial debate. This essay assesses the role of the process and the value it has in today’s business world. With the evidence presented showing that there can be value found in a well-executed PR strategy, the Queensland 2009 project illustrates the pros and cons. This work will be of value to any researcher evaluating the nature of public relations. 1 Introduction Public relations and the capacity to effectively communicate a concept or idea to the general public has become a veritable science in the modern world (Macnamara, 2010). The converse argument that some utilize is that companies should not have to create a campaign to sell a good product, has also been used to limited effect (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2003). The role of public relations campaigns, or PR, in the business world has continued to gain prominence as increased technology allows companies to reach entirely new markets (Ryan, and Jones, 2011). This essay examines the Tourism Queensland promotion of the Great Barrier Reef in 2009 in an effort to develop an understanding of the strengths and detriments of the approach. Widely regarded as being one of the more effective PR campaigns in modern memory, the exercise illustrated the power and impact that a well-considered strategy can have. 2 Public Relations Campaign2.1 BackgroundThe Tourism Australia website trumpets the Tourism Queensland 2009 â€Å"Best Job in the World† as one of the most successful public relations campaign in the world (Australia, T. 2014). Others cite the spectacle overshadowing the product in relation to this campaign (Macnamara, 2010). The Queensland campaign had a stated goal of developing an innovative method of promoting their destinations, while at the same time aligning market activity through all international markets ( 2014). Specifically targeted at a younger demographic the international Australian campaign offered a range of six out of the jobs in exotic regions to six lucky winners (Australia, 2014). Adhering to the basic principle of tourism, that there must be a unique offering in order to stoke interest, the Queensland campaign offered rare employment in an even rarer environment (Goeldner et al, 2010). Independent observers noted that the caretaker opti on enticed tens of thousands of applicants to apply (Sweney, 2009). Yet, others noted the uptick in management cost that this process imposed on the business (Macnamara, 2010). This choice of presentation indicates that the campaign was successful due to the rare manner of enticement, the unique obstacles coupled with the psychological challenge represented by the remote nature of the experience created a novel opportunity. By targeting a demographic that was suited for their associated assets, the Queensland provoked international interest across a wide swath of populations and cultures (Sweeney, 2009). This supports the researches assumption that a large population would be interested in this brand of employment. This broad appeal serves to build an advertising platform that can be utilized to entice those that are not lucky enough to be chosen for the six positions advertised (Macnamara, 2010). Another factor that benefited the campaign was found in the word of mouth that appealed to a large swath of employable and most often employed people. This manner of inexpensive advertisement cost very little, yet provided a wealth of contacts that offered further revenue potential which is vital when considering similar concerns. This appeal also generated such an exotic story to the media that the sizable addition of coverage was provided by outside sources (Sweeney, 2009). With another addition of low cost advertising, this evidence suggests that the capacity to increase the scope of advertising and operations will very likely offset any adverse impacts. With a sense of mystery and excitement the Queensland campaign provided a story line that everyone around the world could watch with interest ( 2014). Utilizing a simplistic approach that appealed to every demographic, the campaign successfully communicated with their target audience.2.2 Key issuesThe Queensland campaign felt that it was of primary interest to evoke a global interest in their properties through the PR effort ( 2014). By utilizing the form of competition to secure a ‘dream job’ the company offered an image that could be translated beyond the possible job, and into the realm of potential vaca tion. Utilizing a straightforward approach allowed for easy communication for every demographic (Sweeney, 2009). With positive exposure assured through the media interest in the contest, the continued stream of news and developments provided a demonstrative showcase for the entire regions assets (Sweeney, 2009). With five key areas including launch, application, shortlisting and voting, application section and employment there was a comprehensive effort to maximize the exposure ( 2014). Every stage of this campaign was focused on effectively communicating the message to the largest group at the least cost. By combining different incentives the campaign capitalized on free media coverage to accomplish their goals of worldwide exposure.2.3 EffectivenessThe Queensland PR campaign has been deemed an illustration of success and innovation by a wide variety of professionals and advertisers around the world (Pomering, 2013). The simple style, coupled with the psychological incentives combined to surpass company expectations. As evidence of their overall success, the Queensland Company claims the campaign has changed the face of global advertising in a positive manner (Australia, 2014). This point has a clear impact on the manner in which other modern operations are conducted. Wit h numbers that are hard to dispute, the amount of interest generated by free media coverage alone provides a compelling appeal to the approach. 3 Conclusion This essay examined the Tourism Queensland promotion of the Great Barrier Reef in 2009 in an effort to develop a deeper appreciation of the benefits and detriments of the approach. This research illustrated that it was the simple, direct, novel and innovative approach the Queensland PR campaign that utilized the xotic locale and attractiveness of rare employment, alongside the simple principles of timing and effective communication to sustain the interest of entire global population. As a result of this strategy the company experienced free media coverage, a wide base for extended communication and an overall improvement of their brand image. Further, this able utilization of assets on hand was accomplished at a minimal cost with maximum effect. In the end the Queensland PR campaign of 2009 showcased what can happen when a company can tap into the dreams of a population, as well as the pocket book. References Australia, T. 2014. About the campaign – Best Jobs in the world – Campaigns – Tourism Australia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. Goeldner, C. R. and Ritchie, J. R. B. 2010. Tourism. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Macnamara, J. 2010. Public relations and the social: How practitioners are using, or abusing, social media. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 11 (1), pp. 21–39. Pomering, A. 2013. Indigenous Identity in the Nation Brand: Tension and Inconsistency in a Nation’s Tourism Advertising Campaigns. Corporate Reputation Review, 16 (1), pp. 66–79. Ryan, D. and Jones, C. 2011. The best digital marketing campaigns in the world. London: Kogan Page. Sweney, M. 2009. ‘Best job in the world’ campaign storms Cannes Lions advertising awards. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. 2014. Tourism Queensland ‘Best Job In The World’ Social Media campaign – Marketing Case Studies | UTalkMarketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Feb 2014].

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Roe V. Wade Essay

Roe V. Wade Essay Roe V. Wade Essay Case Analysis of Roe v. Wade Approximately 22% of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion. What percentages do you think that would be without Roe v. Wade? The case of Roe v. Wade was a case filed by â€Å"Jane Roe† an unmarried woman who wanted to safely and legally end her pregnancy. Fact and History On Jan 22 1973, the US Supreme Court came to a decision on the case Roe v. Wade. The Court ruled under the Fourteenth Amendment that the constitution right to privacy is general enough to include a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. Previously, it was illegal to have an abortion unless it was to save a mother’s life or for the other limited reasons. Now women are free to have an abortion for any given reason while the baby is still in the first trimester. Abortions performed after that must have a reason due to the health of either the child or of the mother. Constitutional Implications During the Roe v. Wade case, the use of the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments was brought forth in legalizing abortions. The Ninth Amendment states that, â€Å"The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.† This amendment initially explains that people have a right to privacy. A lower court based their decision on this amendment, which is a part of the Bill of Rights. However, the Supreme Court based their decision on the Fourteenth Amendment, which says, â€Å"Citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, without due process of law.† Simply, what you choose to do with your life is up to you, and is not within the government’s jurisdiction. This is just another form of privacy rights. The case began December 13, 1971 when Norma L. McCorvey (who went by the alias Jane Roe) decided she wanted to get an abortion. Roe first attempted to claim she was raped so that she could have a legal abortion but since there were not police records of a rape ever occurring that idea failed. After that, she went to a place that did illegal abortions but the police closed the place down before she was ever able to. Eventually she was referred to an attorney and decided to fight to change the rules on

Monday, October 21, 2019

Buying Yourself Time

Buying Yourself Time Entrepreneurial guru Seth Godin recently spoke about speaking. He believes for a five-minute presentation you give a four-minute talk and take your time. You dont want to rush, and you dont want to appear less professional The concept works for every other aspect of writing as well. Submission deadlines Submit early rather than late or exactly on time. Being late is inexcusable, and being on time can give the impression you rushed to the end. Word count Submit under the word limit rather than over. The latter appears as if you do not respect the publications rules. Newsletters / Blog posts Better to be shorter than longer. If in doubt, cut back. Readers appreciate it. First drafts Give yourself less time to write, just as long as its daily. To press too hard or to give yourself a time span that you cannot honor day after day is to invite disenchantment with the job. Query letters Brevity is your friend. It appears you have more command of the language and craft, and itll make you concentrate your words and your message. We all have the same amount of time to perform while on this planet; however, you must coordinate that performance. Time management is critical, even as a creative. Buy yourself time and you will not only look good to fellow professionals, but youll feel better about yourself in your accomplishments.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Abolition of Capital Punishment in Canada

Abolition of Capital Punishment in Canada The removal of capital punishment from the Canadian Criminal Code in 1976 has not led to an increase in the murder rate in Canada. In fact, Statistics Canada reports that the murder rate has generally been declining since the mid-1970s. In 2009, the national murder rate in Canada was 1.81 homicides per 100,000 population, compared to the mid-1970s when it was around 3.0. The total number of murders in Canada in 2009 was 610, one fewer than in 2008. Murder rates in Canada are generally about a third of those in the United States. Canadian Sentences for Murder While proponents of the death penalty may cite capital punishment as a deterrent to murder, that has not been the case in Canada. Sentences currently in use in Canada for murder are: First-degree murder - a life sentence with no possibility of parole for 25 yearsSecond-degree murder - a life sentence with no possibility of parole for at least ten yearsManslaughter - a life sentence with parole eligibility after seven years Wrongful Convictions A strong argument used against capital punishment is the possibility of mistakes. Wrongful convictions in Canada have had a high profile, including David Milgaard - sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1969 murder of Gail Miller, a Saskatoon nursing aide. Milgaard spent 22 years in prison, The Supreme Court set aside Milgaards conviction in 1992, and he was cleared by DNA evidence in 1997. The Saskatchewan government awarded Milgaard $10 million for his wrongful conviction.Donald Marshall Jr. - convicted of the 1971 stabbing murder of Sandy Seale in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Marshall was acquitted in 1983 after spending 11 years in prison.Guy Paul Morin - sentenced to life imprisonment in 1992 for the first-degree murder of nine-year-old neighbor Christine Jessop, Morin was exonerated in 1996 by DNA testing. Morin and his parents received a $1.25 million settlement.Thomas Sophonow - tried three times and convicted twice of the 1981 murder of donut shop waitress Barbara Stoppel in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Both convictions were overturned on appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada prevented the fourth trial of Sophonow. DNA evidence clear ed Sophonow in 2000, and he was awarded $2.6 million in compensation. Clayton Johnson - convicted in 1993 of the first-degree murder of his wife. In 2002, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal overturned the conviction and ordered a new trial. The Crown said it had no new evidence and Johnson was set free.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Enterprise Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterprise Business - Assignment Example It is very necessary that the company should have some personnel that can make quick decisions but not rushed decisions because delay in making a decision may lead to losses for the company (Timmons, 1989). Another major quality that a company wants in his employees is the professionalism, and being an entrepreneurial person it is the innate ability of the person to be professional in his attitude and way of conduct; the greatest ability that an entrepreneurial person has is the ability of negotiations and making deals. He knows how to deal with people belonging to different professions and tactfully manipulate the person in to his own talk and make the other person accept what you want. In the previous company in which I had been working my entrepreneurial qualities came quite handy for the company. Initially when I joined the company it wasn’t a much strong and large company, but then I devoted myself for the company and used my innate qualities and abilities of an entrepren eur to make the company one of the largest company. I made many different deals some of which of which were risky, the company at first refused to take risks but then they trusted me and I made the decision and the company’s shares and value increased a lot. ... The company is always in search of new business deals that can benefit their reputation and market value and an entrepreneur is the only person that can make it happen (Cartwright, 2002). QUESTION 2 Like every great personality has to face great many difficulties and problems to on their way to become what they are today. Likewise I also had to travel a long and difficult road to become what I am today. The greatest obstacle that came in my life was my own self. The weaknesses in me were the greatest obstacle that I had to face in my way to success. A person should know his weaknesses and strengths so that he can transform his weakness into his strength and utilize his strengths to his fullest. The greatest weakness in me that caused a lot of trouble for me in my business was that I easily trust people. This weakness of mine initially leads to me trouble and losses but then I soon realized where my fault was and I then had to rectify it; I then started thinking of ways to get rid of this habit. I then tried hard not to trust people and before trusting anyone I made a great deal of investigation and tchen took some further step. Soon experience taught me who to trust and who not to. People won’t believe but I was an extremely shy person and this was a major weakness that I had to overcome otherwise this would have created a lot of trouble for me and I could never succeed. I used to look in the mirror whenever I had time and looked into my eye and talked to myself and used to tell myself that I was confident and that I could do anything and eventually I overcame my shyness (Stein & Walker, 2002). Another weakness that I was able to overcome was that I used to make hasty decisions and I had to rectify this habit. With

Friday, October 18, 2019

Aspiration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Aspiration - Essay Example Aspiration could be consequential and come with the risk of leading to a type of pneumonia known as aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration is generally being identified to be common in some people than others. For example, patients who suffer dysphagia stand a higher risk of being affected with aspiration and on a very regular basis. Dysphagia could pose a risk to patients because it is the difficulty in swallowing and such difficulty commonly leads to misplacement of food or fluid particles. It is also said that the male to female ratio of risk is 2:1 (Medscape, 2012). What this means is that there are more males who are at risk to aspiration than females. It is for this reason that the control of aspiration is an important issue to health practitioners. Symptoms of aspiration are varying and often dependent on the level of risk. Most commonly however, aspiration will be characterized by coughing, choking, fever, chills, leakage of food from mouth, shortness of breath and wet voice after swallowing (University of Wisconsin, 2012) The National Safety Council is quoted as stating that choking is the forth leading cause of unintentional injury death (Medscape, 2012). There are other critical effects that adults and other sufferers of aspiration face. Some of these include a permanent expansion of one’s lungs or trachea (Selius and Subedi, 2008). Once such permanent damages take place, the resorting long term consequence is that there could be the development of dyspahgia, which in its self is a risk factor to getting aspiration. Practitioners often want to use the term conservative management because they have a feeling that aspiration is best treated when taken care of at the initial stage. To this effect, some of the treatments prescribed include the need to place children in upright positions, not putting children in seated position after ninety minues of feeding, raising head of bed to 300,

Strategic Management of SABMiller brewery Case Study

Strategic Management of SABMiller brewery - Case Study Example It is also present in markets like USA and Europe. These markets however are matured markets and do not offer much growth opportunities for SABMiller. It has a diversified brand portfolio which includes brands like Castle, Miller Lite, Miller Genuine Draft, Snow, Peroni Nastro Azzuro and Pilsner Urquel. In this report we will analyze the strategic positioning of SABMiller in different markets. We will analyze the positioning in various markets with respect to the core competencies of SABMiller and will also analyze the acquisitions and compromise in its strategy that it had to undertake to meet the stakeholder's expectations. Corporate Strategy refers to the general direction of business that a firm is following. It is the philosophy which guides a firm's growth and actions. It answers the questions of how the firm needs to operate, the values it should follow and which core competencies should be developed by the firm to fuel further growth. (David, 1989).It is the sum total of the goals that a company has, the objectives it needs to achieve and the plan for achieving these objectives. (R, 2008). South African markets have been the traditional strength and monopoly of SABMiller. (SABMiller, 2009).Lately the market has been moving towards maturity which limits the number of new customers that the company can acquire. However the company is making the customers move towards premium brands which will increase the profitability of the firm .HIV/AIDS is a huge threat to SABMiller in South Africa as it not only limits the availability if work force but it also reduces the disposable income available with the people which will have a direct impact on the sales generated by the company.. Africa(exclusing South Africa) Apart from South Africa , the rest of African continent is a growing market and presents huge opportunity for the company.The company has a good distribution network in these countries along

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Describe and discuss the concept of the various theories of strategic Essay

Describe and discuss the concept of the various theories of strategic management and how information systems can be utilised to - Essay Example In this scenario, information technology provides a lot of tools that can help organizations implement strategic management effectively. Information system is a very useful tool which is currently used by the organizations to implement business strategies. This paper will discuss the concept of strategic management in detail. This paper will discuss how information systems can be useful for the organizations in achieving strategic advantage. This paper will also outline some challenges which are faced by the organizations while using information systems. Strategic management: A detailed overview Strategic  management  refers to a business methodology that is useful for the utilization in order to make the most competent use of available assets and resources in the process of operating some organization. However, the basic idea behind any  strategic management process  is to assess the existing status of the operation and all of its individual components, we must identify whet her those components are being utilized in such a way to attain maximal outcome, and to expand and implement the required changes when and as necessary. In addition, if organizations successfully utilize this approach, it can help them improve the overall performance of the business; we have to move the business nearer towards reaching its declared goals. However, we should keep the expenditure of raw materials, supplies and other related resources in stability with the returns that are generated by the business efforts (Tatum, 2010). The idea of strategic  management  is not only used by the large companies. Even a small business that encompasses no more than one or two persons can use this decision-making technique to get advantage from the basics of this methodology. Whereas, the exact nature related to these processes and tasks necessary for the operations will be quite different between a mom-and-pop seller and a corporation which is considered as multi-national. However, t he common idea behind this  managing  process will still be uses and considered as valid. When we apply these principals to the real-life conditions of the business, it is often likely to maximize the use of existing resources, reduce waste in the place of work, and eventually have a positive outcome on the bottom line of some organization (Tatum, 2010; Pollard & Hotho, 2006). In simple words, the term strategic management refers to a process by which a group of people or organization can examine the fact where they are at present, and also in addition they can think about where they want to be in the near future perspective and how they can create the visual ability and reality as when to reach where they want to reach in the coming future (Sulaiman, 2010). How Organizations use Strategic Management For achieving a competitive benefit position and also enhancing the organizational performance as compared to their competitors are the

Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hero - Essay Example Moreover, they have the right skills and training that can make a difference and finally, keep on working towards their goals, even after several hindrances. Heroism can be achieved in several aspects depending on the particular field the hero is involved in. Several figures in the society have made particular efforts that have been given higher dignity and respect for the efforts they have done. The general public, however, has a negative perception with the regard to extreme sports (Smith. line 5). They despise the people who choose to take risks considering them as careless ‘adrenaline junkies’ who are eventually an affliction to the society. These taxpayers add that when a person involves himself in risks and becomes in need of salvage or gets injured, the expenses for their rescue are catered for by the taxpayers (Smith. line 10). For instance, backcountry salvage after skiers cause an avalanche will cost them a thousand of dollars. Skateboarders also involve themselves in sporting activities that result to great damage to both public and private property and injury to the correspondent skateboarders. Several discussion s have been brought up at great length in the media, but the discussions rarely focus on the negative aspects that limit the access to the sports that are risky. Despite all these factors, most of the people around the globe are, fairly to say, love to do well. People, at the very least, try to follow a kind of secular golden rule that translates to ‘try not to make any harm’; but in most communities around the world there are some people who take this to a further step that is extreme. These kinds of persons are considered social entrepreneurs and some of them end up being famous, at least in several circles (Moore. line 1). For instance, some people have played the role of the corporation in supporting local development. According to (Yunus.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Do you agree with the liberal argument that globalisation increases Essay

Do you agree with the liberal argument that globalisation increases growth and reduces poverty and inequality Explain your reasoning and illustrate it with appropriate examples - Essay Example Globalization is a system that began in 1980 that is characterized by the increasing integration of the economic system and societies through financial services, the flow of ideas and information (Elmawazini, Khalid & Nwankwo 23). Increasing integration is mainly driven by improving technology leading to reduction of costs and removal of barriers that used to slow the movement of goods and services from one place to another. One of the motives of globalization was to open markets and seek raw materials for goods and services in all four corners of the globe. It began with the elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade and this was quickly followed by monetary and fiscal reforms, privatization, and deregulation meant to streamline economics and commerce on the global scene (Gindling & Terell 910). In order to fully analyze the impact of globalization on poverty, we need to fully determine he income accrual to individuals globally and access the basic living standards of all the societies in the world. Is as much as this indication may be real, it is also good to notice that the cost of living also varies from one point to another depending on the economic stability and prosperity of a country. The poor people are thus those whose material, cultural and social resources are below par when compared to the standard resources in other places perceived to be rich (Asongu 27). According to United Nations, about 20% of the global population live below one dollar per day to mean that they are considered poor people. This percentage of the global population stands at over one billion people who are struggling to survive in this new dispensation of globalization. Globalization has always been cited to reduce poverty, but, despite the world practicing globalization over the past three decades, it is still evident that a good

Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hero - Essay Example Moreover, they have the right skills and training that can make a difference and finally, keep on working towards their goals, even after several hindrances. Heroism can be achieved in several aspects depending on the particular field the hero is involved in. Several figures in the society have made particular efforts that have been given higher dignity and respect for the efforts they have done. The general public, however, has a negative perception with the regard to extreme sports (Smith. line 5). They despise the people who choose to take risks considering them as careless ‘adrenaline junkies’ who are eventually an affliction to the society. These taxpayers add that when a person involves himself in risks and becomes in need of salvage or gets injured, the expenses for their rescue are catered for by the taxpayers (Smith. line 10). For instance, backcountry salvage after skiers cause an avalanche will cost them a thousand of dollars. Skateboarders also involve themselves in sporting activities that result to great damage to both public and private property and injury to the correspondent skateboarders. Several discussion s have been brought up at great length in the media, but the discussions rarely focus on the negative aspects that limit the access to the sports that are risky. Despite all these factors, most of the people around the globe are, fairly to say, love to do well. People, at the very least, try to follow a kind of secular golden rule that translates to ‘try not to make any harm’; but in most communities around the world there are some people who take this to a further step that is extreme. These kinds of persons are considered social entrepreneurs and some of them end up being famous, at least in several circles (Moore. line 1). For instance, some people have played the role of the corporation in supporting local development. According to (Yunus.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Best Buy Case Study Essay Example for Free

Best Buy Case Study Essay After acquiring a stake in Five Star, a retailer of appliances and electronics in China, Best Buy’s VP John Noble is responsible for launching a dual brand strategy to China as he did in Canada back in 2002. The plan was to open three stores in less than two years in China while Five Star was planning on opening 25 additional stores. Entering China would prove to be much more difficult than neighboring Canada as a country with 1. 3 billion consumers which is a lot of people to please. China was chosen as the second international expansion market primarily due to the overall market opportunity, consumer fundamentals and macro-economic factors (Ivey, 2006). † In addition to the Chinese being very frugal, there was also the issue of the concept of credit, or lack there of in China. About four percent of households in China used credit cards, compared to 75 percent in the United States (Ivey, 2006). Best Buy quickly realized that branding in China was not what really attracted the consumers (Ivey, 2006). Best Buy Inc Best Buy had been interested in entering China since the 1990’s. By that time, China had been hosting many of the United States and Europe as far as different manufacturing products. The option of dual branding was what Best Buy was thinking in order to essentially join forces with Chinas retailer of electronics and appliances, Five Star. By coming together, Best Buy in United States thought that the two companies would be even stronger as one. This sort of dual branding worked very well in Canada and presumably would have the same success in China. Competitors Some of the main competitors of Best Buy are Wal-mart and Costco. The competitors were constantly increasing their CE retail market and in particular they increased the products that were less complex therefore easier to sell. Internet shopping and distributors such as Amazon or sites like that are another example of a competitor in the CE market. Also, home improvement stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s were also venturing into unknown territory which was competition for Best Buy. â€Å"Lines were blurring as retailers of all kinds were widening their product assortments in pursuit of revenues and margins (Ivey, 2006). † Dual branding in Canada seemed like logical step in that Best Buy and Canada’s Future Shop, the main CE retailer there could join together and become stronger with all of the competition coming about (Ivey, 2006). Dual Branding Canada Canada was paid $363. 95 million dollars to acquire Future Shop. Among several reason why the dual branding took place, the number one reason and most important was that Future Shop was an established brand â€Å"with over 95 percent unaided brand awareness among Canadians (Ivey, 2006). † Though dual branding seemed like a great idea there were also some downsides. Cannibalization was the main problem of course due to the products of Future Store eating the profits of Best Buy and vice versa. There was also the immanent issue that the consumer would not know which brand was which. Despite these issues, by the first year of operations the dual branding strategy seemed to be working and cannibalization seemed minimal. It seemed only natural to give it a try in China (Ivey, 2006). Dual Branding China â€Å"China was chosen as the second international expansion market primarily due to the overall market opportunity, consumer fundamentals and macro-economic factors (Ivey, 2006). However the Chinese consumer was different than that of the United States or Canada. Also, consumers were not really concerned with branding as much as they were messages relating to functional features. Therefore, the preference of brand did not really translate into revenue. There was also the issue of land acquisition as there were often delays which would force a store to take up to 6 months to even open its doors. The Chinese also preferred to deal with people they knew and had previous relationships with so pricing had to be up to par due to the consumer not providing much slack for it. With all of these problems, a dual branding in China did not seem as seamless as it was in Canada (Ivey, 2006). Conclusion It is understandable why Best Buy would want to go global to maximize its profit and consumer base all over. Though things seemed to work out in Canada, it would prove to be a much tougher hill to climb in China just based off the consumers alone and the way things are done there and simply the way of life. It will be interesting to see if the places like Turkey and Mexico, other potential targets will have the same success rate as Canada, and not resemble China’s issues.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History About Wifi Technology Information Technology Essay

History About Wifi Technology Information Technology Essay ABSTRACT In many of the industrial sectors, the wireless networking technologies are gaining rapid approval because of its cost effectiveness, improved reliability and flexibility. The increase in the wireless networks is one of the technological advances that are having a major impact on the way we do business [10]. This paper refers how Wi-Fi technology is organized and some of its applications and advantages over customary means. It also explores how Wi-Fi technologies communicate in the spread spectrum and also its configurations. The Wi-Fi refers to the 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard that was designed to support the wireless LANs. The essential enabling technology is the Wi-Fi technology and it is the only practicable infrastructure for the home which allows the user to extend their networks for home entertainment. The most popular user access technology is the Wi-Fi (WLAN/IEEE 802.11) because of its high bandwidth and low cost. Keywords: Wireless Fidelity, Wi-Fi, WLAN, wireless technologies, IEEE 802.11a/b/g, spread spectrum, configurations. Introduction In the recent years only, the wireless technology has grown rapidly which allows the users more reliable, effective and can access the internet without using the wire. Wireless networks are more effectively used in many applications such as home entertainment, offices, radio, military areas and public places. The term wireless does not mean the disturbance or group of switches. Wireless means the communication without the use of wires other than the antenna, the Ethernet, and the ground taking the place of wires [2]. For several industrial operations, wireless technology affords cost-effective and effective connectivity solutions. Using the wireless technology there are many benefits such as remote facilities, processes and field operation which results in improving productivity, downtime, faster and more accurate data collection. The term Wi-Fi technology is also referred as Wireless Fidelity. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) is the association liable for setting the standards on how the technology and products works, operate and communicate [3]. The 802.11 technology standards, better known as Wi-Fi technology and it is being set up into the Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) equipment and Local Area Network (LAN) access points to quickly connect computer to LANs and as well as internet service providers. The 802.11 standards are growing to supply a higher data rates and better quality of service. Wireless LANs operates on two frequencies such as radio wave and infrared. In the past decades, the wireless access point has come into the market with infrared but in todays world the radio frequencies are used most popularly. The advantage of the radio wave frequency is more penetrate through the walls, floors and doors but whereas the infrared device is on line of sight. Wi-Fi netwo rk connect computer to each other to the internet and to the wired network. 1.2 History of WLAN A WLAN is a local area network without wires and whereas a wired network in which the clients send/receive the data through the cables. The wireless network uses a radio wave frequency. As part of the large family of the spread spectrum systems, the Wi-Fi technology uses single carrier direct-sequence spread spectrum radio technology and multi-carrier OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) radio technology. In 1985, the unlicensed spread spectrum was first approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [5]. In all major countries, these FCC regulations were later copied with enabling some changes in the use of this technology and these regulations were then enabled the growth of Wi-Fi technology according to requirements such as offices, online games and so on. In 1991, the Wi-Fi technology was invented by NCR corporation/ATT (later Lucent and Agere systems) in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. Initially for the cashier systems, the first wireless product were brought on the market which is marked as WaveLAN with speeds of 1Mbits/s to 2Mbits/s. Vic Hayes, who was the first discoverer of the Wi-Fi and later has been named as Father of Wi-Fi, was involved in designing standards such as 802.11a/b/g. Wireless LANs communicate via the 2.4 GHz or 5GHz band with the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands where cordless phones, instant monitor and other personal device can also operate. According to Mr. Phil Belanger of the Wi-Fi Alliance contradict the most popular conclusion that Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity [5]. 1.3 Benefits of WLAN A new way to communicate with the user is through the WLANs while accommodating the way business is done. The following are the benefits achieved through WLANs: Mobility within building. Flexibility Lower cabling costs To set up temporary spaces, it is easier Productivity gains Reduced errors Improved efficiency Improved performance, efficiency and security for enterprise partners and guests Easier to collaborate Easier adds, moves and changes and lower support and maintenance costs More efficient use of office space. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) Technology The IEEE 802.11 standard was projected for the WLANs. To handle the networking the short way for Wi-Fi is the wireless. Wi-Fi is easy to access and it is very simple to connect to computer anywhere in the office or homes without the use of wires. Using the radio signals the computer connects to the network. In 1997, the first standard (802.11) was released and works in the frequency band at 5GHz with the data rate of 54Mbits/s and uses the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation [4]. The Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) is the media access method. The term 802.11.x terms is used to donate the set of amendments to the standard. Within the scope of one building and one room, we can connect to the wireless to the restricted signal range (indoor range is approximately about 1m). skhema Figure 1: Internet connection with wire and without wire (Wi-Fi) At present, the best values of the bit rate have a networks designed accordance with the 802.11n standard that has the typical raw data rate of 540Mbits/s [3]. Wi-Fi network operates in the unlicensed with the 2.4 and 5GHz radio bands, with 11Mbps (802.11b) or 54Mbps (802.11a) data rate or some of the products have dual bands. Wi-Fi network uses radio technologies to transmit and receive the data at high speed. IEEE 802.11 is available in three modes- 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. IEEE 802.11a/b/g actually describes three different wireless Ethernet standards which are currently implemented in industrial applications as well as commercial applications. These three alternatives are based around the same physical layer of the OSI model and it also defines the bands on what the wireless network is used and also defines the modulation technique. IEEE 802.11 standards include Wi-Fi, W-LAN and Wireless Ethernet. IEEE 802.11a: This standard operation is used in OFDM which operates at a frequency of 5GHz band and thereby allowing the raw transmission data rate up to 54Mbps. It is introduced in 2001. For this band, some of the countries have other uses such as military and air traffic control, so therefore this band is not globally accepted and to be used in the ISM applications. But in some cases, this band can be used inside the building with limited power. In the U.S, the band 5GHz is treated as other 900MHz and 2.4GHz ISM bands. One advantage of the IEEE 802.11a is that it operates with same data rate (54Mbps) as IEEE 802.11g but it escapes sometimes due to crowded with the 2.4GHz channels. Less interference in the 5GHz band appears means the potential for more reliable transmission. The theoretical speed of this standard is 54Mbps but the raw transmission rate of this standard is in between 15-20 Mbps. The range of this standard is 50-75 feet. This is not compatible with 802.11b and it is more expensive . IEEE 802.11b: This standard was implemented in 1999, uses 2.4GHz band with the DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) modulation. The maximum transmission rate of this standard is 11Mbps within 30m range. It is most popular and least expensive. But the actual speed of this standard is 4-6 Mbps. The range of the wireless is 100-150 feet. The subsection of this standard is called Wi-Fi. IEEE 802.11 g: The OFDM technology of 802.11a is adopted in this standard and which is globally accepted with 2.4GHz band. Using the OFDM technique these data rates increased to 54Mbps over the air. It is important that 802.11g is compatible backwards with 802.11b. But this standard is more expensive so prefer to go for the least expensive and better performance which is 802.11b. Components of Wi-Fi: In order to access the Wi-Fi, we require some of the components such as adapters, access point, Wi-Fi antenna, Wi-Fi Bridge, PCI cards that accept wireless PC cards and external USB wireless NICs. The following are the component figures: accecpoint.jpg Figure 2: Access Point Figure 3: Adapters wifi antena.jpg wifi bridge.jpg Figure 4: Wi-Fi Antenna Figure 5: Wi-Fi Bridge Figure 6: PCI cards that accepts wireless PC card Figure 7: External USB wireless NICs How Wi-Fi network works? Wi-Fi network uses the radio waves to communicate each other among devices. The basic concept of the Wi-Fi network is same as the walkie talkies. An access point to the internet connection can be installed through the Wi-Fi hotspot. This access point acts as base station. With this access point, an antenna is physically connected to conventional wired Ethernet network and serves as a bridge to the wireless network. A device encounters the hotspot when the Wi-Fi is enabled and the device can connect to that network wirelessly. Between the client systems, the Wi-Fi can also support communication and allowing the devices to communicate with one another during the peer-to-peer method. A Wi-Fi 802.11b typically can transmit the maximum data rate up to 11Mbps with an approximation range of 150 feet. Beyond that distance, the signal fallback very slow up to 5.5 Mbps, 2Mbps and 1Mbps and this slower speed can move the signals as far as 1500 feet. The actual performance of the network depends upon the signal pattern and the number of obstacles in the area. To indicate the wireless within the area, an access point itself announces through broadcasting, a Service Set Identifier (SSID) approximately 10 times per second. The SSID indicates the name of the network. PCs that are within the range and has equipped with wireless network interface card can receive the SSID, associate with WLAN and request an IP address that will allow them to connect to the local network, surf the internet and view network folders [4]. Wi-Fi Network Topologies Access Point (AP) in the Wi-Fi may vary greatly depending upon their cost but in some of the cases these AP gives selection for roaming where the wireless clients can switch from one AP to another. There are three kinds of network topologies. AP (Access Point)-based topology (Infrastructure Mode) Peer-to-Peer topology (Ad-hoc Mode) Point-to-multipoint bridge topology. AP-Based Topology: Access Point (AP) is the wireless component through which the client can communicate. Access point is the device that contains standard IEEE 802.11 conformant MAC and PHY interface to the wireless medium and provides access to the distribution system for associated stations. Through an AP, BSA-RF (Basic Service access is the area of the radio frequency (RF)) coverage is provided. ESA (Extended Service Access) consists of two or more BSA. In order to allow the roaming, ESA cell consists of 10-15% overlap. The following figure shows the AP-based topology [9]. Figure 8: AP-Based topology Peer-to-Peer Topology: In this topology, the access point is not required. Within the cell, the client devices can communicate directly with one another. This topology is useful in setting up the wireless network very quickly and easily. The following figure shows the peer to peer method. Figure 9: peer-to peer method Point-to-multipoint bridge topology: This type of topology is used in buildings from one to another building apart within the miles. This is required to connect a LAN in one building to a LANs in another building. A clear line of sight is achieved among buildings under these conditions. Based on the type of antenna and wireless bridge used the line-of-sight range varies and as well as in environmental conditions. The following figure shows the point to multipoint bridge topology Figure 10: point-to-multipoint bridge topology Access Point and Wireless Card are the two ways that can use for the networking. Ad-hoc: In this method, the entire wireless cards are used from peer-to-peer network and there is no access point (AP). Infrastructure: All wireless cards connect to the central access point that provides them connectivity with each other as well as wired network [1]. Wi-Fi Configurations A Wi-Fi network is very simple and can be easily set up to the homes and offices that allow the network to share the files, printer and so on. Figure 11: Wireless network set up The public Wi-Fi hot spots are rapidly becoming common in airports, business, hotels, libraries and so on. Wi-Fi Security Security is one of the first disquiet of people deploying a wireless LAN, the 802.11 has addressed the issue through providing what is called WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). The main concerns of the users are that an intruder would not be able to access the network resources through similar wireless LAN equipment and be able to capture the wireless LAN traffic (eavesdropping). There are two primary components which are required for Wi-Fi network security to be broken down. Authentication Privacy There are two types of authentication is required: first is user authentication and second is server authentication. Authentication means keeping the unauthorized users off from the network. In user authentication server, the username and password is required. This authentication has a risk as well as a solution in sending the data. The risk one is the data is send before the secure channel is established and level to passive eavesdropping by attackers. The solution for this is, before sending the username and password, encrypted channel is established. Secondly in server authentication, the digital certificate is used and within the client software the validation of the digital certificate occurs automatically. Wireless Protected Access (WPA) is a standard based specification, interoperable security enhancement that strongly increase the level of data protection and for existing access control and future wireless LAN systems. Wi-Fi Applications Wi-Fi technology is simple and easy to access the network without the wire. At present, the Wi-Fi is most popular technology that has been used in the market. There are several applications through the Wi-Fi technology. It is used at homes, office, small businesses, large corporations and campuses, health care, wireless ISP (WISP) and travellers. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wi-Fi Advantages of Wi-Fi: It allows the LANs to be set up without cabling and also it reduces the costs and expansion of the network. Wi-Fi network support roaming such that a laptop can move from one access point to another. Wi-Fi is global set of standards. Mobility Ease of installation Reliability and Flexibility Security Use unlicensed part of radio spectrum Disadvantages of Wi-Fi: It can access to limited range. Higher power consumption The most common wireless encryption standard, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) has been broken even if the correct configuration is set up. Interference Typically, Wi-Fi Access Point is set to default to an open (encryption-free) mode. Conclusion: In the past few years, the Wi-Fi technology is growing very rapidly in the rural development areas. In the rural areas, the technology has been helped the consumers in receiving the high speed internet service. All through urban environment the Wi-Fi hot spots are becoming more popular. When the Wi-Fi technology has brought up to the rural and urban areas the broadband internet access price has been drive down. According to the various industrial applications, the network connectivity for the industrial wireless solution provides that is cost effective and efficient. To ensure the reliability of wireless connectivity and safety of industrial operations, a hazardous area classification is necessary that provides the redundant links radio. Currently, there are several standard-based wireless technologies that are used for the industrial applications for the field sensors networking such as ISA100, WHART and ZigBee. Wi-Fi technology is simple and easy to deploy to the network. The IEEE 802.11 is the standard used for the Wi-Fi hot spots. With appropriate security features, industrial hardware and industrial interface products, Wi-Fi technology has a certain association of commercial technology, based on the 802.11 technology and is becoming a solution for many industrial communications and networking.